3dxa Citations

Natural micropolymorphism in human leukocyte antigens provides a basis for genetic control of antigen recognition.


Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene polymorphism plays a critical role in protective immunity, disease susceptibility, autoimmunity, and drug hypersensitivity, yet the basis of how HLA polymorphism influences T cell receptor (TCR) recognition is unclear. We examined how a natural micropolymorphism in HLA-B44, an important and large HLA allelic family, affected antigen recognition. T cell-mediated immunity to an Epstein-Barr virus determinant (EENLLDFVRF) is enhanced when HLA-B*4405 was the presenting allotype compared with HLA-B*4402 or HLA-B*4403, each of which differ by just one amino acid. The micropolymorphism in these HLA-B44 allotypes altered the mode of binding and dynamics of the bound viral epitope. The structure of the TCR-HLA-B*4405(EENLLDFVRF) complex revealed that peptide flexibility was a critical parameter in enabling preferential engagement with HLA-B*4405 in comparison to HLA-B*4402/03. Accordingly, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) polymorphism can alter the dynamics of the peptide-MHC landscape, resulting in fine-tuning of T cell responses between closely related allotypes.

Reviews - 3dxa mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. Coevolution of T-cell receptors with MHC and non-MHC ligands. Castro CD, Luoma AM, Adams EJ. Immunol Rev 267 30-55 (2015)
  2. The versatility of the αβ T-cell antigen receptor. Bhati M, Cole DK, McCluskey J, Sewell AK, Rossjohn J. Protein Sci 23 260-272 (2014)
  3. TCR Recognition of Peptide-MHC-I: Rule Makers and Breakers. Szeto C, Lobos CA, Nguyen AT, Gras S. Int J Mol Sci 22 (2020)
  4. The perception and response of T cells to a changing environment are based on the law of initial value. Huseby ES, Teixeiro E. Sci Signal 15 eabj9842 (2022)

Articles - 3dxa mentioned but not cited (13)

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  2. Natural micropolymorphism in human leukocyte antigens provides a basis for genetic control of antigen recognition. Archbold JK, Macdonald WA, Gras S, Ely LK, Miles JJ, Bell MJ, Brennan RM, Beddoe T, Wilce MC, Clements CS, Purcell AW, McCluskey J, Burrows SR, Rossjohn J. J Exp Med 206 209-219 (2009)
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