1j24 Citations

X-ray and biochemical anatomy of an archaeal XPF/Rad1/Mus81 family nuclease: similarity between its endonuclease domain and restriction enzymes.

Structure 11 445-57 (2003)
Related entries: 1j22, 1j23, 1j25

Cited: 69 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 12679022


The XPF/Rad1/Mus81-dependent nuclease family specifically cleaves branched structures generated during DNA repair, replication, and recombination, and is essential for maintaining genome stability. Here, we report the domain organization of an archaeal homolog (Hef) of this family and the X-ray crystal structure of the middle domain, with the nuclease activity. The nuclease domain architecture exhibits remarkable similarity to those of restriction endonucleases, including the correspondence of the GDX(n)ERKX(3)D signature motif in Hef to the PDX(n)(E/D)XK motif in restriction enzymes. This structural study also suggests that the XPF/Rad1/Mus81/ERCC1 proteins form a dimer through each interface of the nuclease domain and the helix-hairpin-helix domain. Simultaneous disruptions of both interfaces result in their dissociation into separate monomers, with strikingly reduced endonuclease activities.

Articles - 1j24 mentioned but not cited (2)

Reviews citing this publication (19)

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  2. Structural and functional relationships of the XPF/MUS81 family of proteins. Ciccia A, McDonald N, West SC. Annu Rev Biochem 77 259-287 (2008)
  3. The Fanconi anemia DNA repair pathway: structural and functional insights into a complex disorder. Walden H, Deans AJ. Annu Rev Biophys 43 257-278 (2014)
  4. Holliday junction resolvases. Wyatt HD, West SC. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 6 a023192 (2014)
  5. DNA repair endonuclease ERCC1-XPF as a novel therapeutic target to overcome chemoresistance in cancer therapy. McNeil EM, Melton DW. Nucleic Acids Res 40 9990-10004 (2012)
  6. Regulation of endonuclease activity in human nucleotide excision repair. Fagbemi AF, Orelli B, Schärer OD. DNA Repair (Amst) 10 722-729 (2011)
  7. Archaeal DNA replication and repair. Kelman Z, White MF. Curr Opin Microbiol 8 669-676 (2005)
  8. Control of structure-specific endonucleases to maintain genome stability. Dehé PM, Gaillard PHL. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 18 315-330 (2017)
  9. The FANCM family of DNA helicases/translocases. Whitby MC. DNA Repair (Amst) 9 224-236 (2010)
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  11. GEN1/Yen1 and the SLX4 complex: Solutions to the problem of Holliday junction resolution. Svendsen JM, Harper JW. Genes Dev 24 521-536 (2010)
  12. Regulation of DNA pairing in homologous recombination. Daley JM, Gaines WA, Kwon Y, Sung P. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 6 a017954 (2014)
  13. Function and Interactions of ERCC1-XPF in DNA Damage Response. Faridounnia M, Folkers GE, Boelens R. Molecules 23 E3205 (2018)
  14. Association between XPF polymorphisms and cancer risk: a meta-analysis. Shi TY, He J, Qiu LX, Zhu ML, Wang MY, Zhou XY, Han J, Yu H, Zang RY, Wei Q. PLoS One 7 e38606 (2012)
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  44. Comment Pruning DNA: structure-specific endonucleases (XPF/Rad1/Mus81). Yang W. Structure 11 365-366 (2003)
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