1ea5 Citations

X-ray structures of Torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase complexed with (+)-huperzine A and (-)-huperzine B: structural evidence for an active site rearrangement.

Biochemistry 41 10810-8 (2002)
Related entries: 1acj, 1acl, 1gpk, 1gpn

Cited: 84 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 12196020


Kinetic and structural data are presented on the interaction with Torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase (TcAChE) of (+)-huperzine A, a synthetic enantiomer of the anti-Alzheimer drug, (-)-huperzine A, and of its natural homologue (-)-huperzine B. (+)-Huperzine A and (-)-huperzine B bind to the enzyme with dissociation constants of 4.30 and 0.33 microM, respectively, compared to 0.18 microM for (-)-huperzine A. The X-ray structures of the complexes of (+)-huperzine A and (-)-huperzine B with TcAChE were determined to 2.1 and 2.35 A resolution, respectively, and compared to the previously determined structure of the (-)-huperzine A complex. All three interact with the "anionic" subsite of the active site, primarily through pi-pi stacking and through van der Waals or C-H.pi interactions with Trp84 and Phe330. Since their alpha-pyridone moieties are responsible for their key interactions with the active site via hydrogen bonding, and possibly via C-H.pi interactions, all three maintain similar positions and orientations with respect to it. The carbonyl oxygens of all three appear to repel the carbonyl oxygen of Gly117, thus causing the peptide bond between Gly117 and Gly118 to undergo a peptide flip. As a consequence, the position of the main chain nitrogen of Gly118 in the "oxyanion" hole in the native enzyme becomes occupied by the carbonyl of Gly117. Furthermore, the flipped conformation is stabilized by hydrogen bonding of Gly117O to Gly119N and Ala201N, the other two functional elements of the three-pronged "oxyanion hole" characteristic of cholinesterases. All three inhibitors thus would be expected to abolish hydrolysis of all ester substrates, whether charged or neutral.

Reviews - 1ea5 mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Lessons from Hot Spot Analysis for Fragment-Based Drug Discovery. Hall DR, Kozakov D, Whitty A, Vajda S. Trends Pharmacol Sci 36 724-736 (2015)
  2. Mining electron density for functionally relevant protein polysterism in crystal structures. Fraser JS, Jackson CJ. Cell Mol Life Sci 68 1829-1841 (2011)

Articles - 1ea5 mentioned but not cited (41)

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  2. THEMATICS: a simple computational predictor of enzyme function from structure. Ondrechen MJ, Clifton JG, Ringe D. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 98 12473-12478 (2001)
  3. Structural insights into substrate traffic and inhibition in acetylcholinesterase. Colletier JP, Fournier D, Greenblatt HM, Stojan J, Sussman JL, Zaccai G, Silman I, Weik M. EMBO J 25 2746-2756 (2006)
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Reviews citing this publication (8)

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