6mlq Citations

Interplay between the Kinesin and Tubulin Mechanochemical Cycles Underlies Microtubule Tip Tracking by the Non-motile Ciliary Kinesin Kif7.

Dev Cell 49 711-730.e8 (2019)
Cited: 9 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 31031197


The correct localization of Hedgehog effectors to the tip of primary cilia is critical for proper signal transduction. The conserved non-motile kinesin Kif7 defines a "cilium-tip compartment" by localizing to the distal ends of axonemal microtubules. How Kif7 recognizes microtubule ends remains unknown. We find that Kif7 preferentially binds GTP-tubulin at microtubule ends over GDP-tubulin in the mature microtubule lattice, and ATP hydrolysis by Kif7 enhances this discrimination. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures suggest that a rotated microtubule footprint and conformational changes in the ATP-binding pocket underlie Kif7's atypical microtubule-binding properties. Finally, Kif7 not only recognizes but also stabilizes a GTP-form of tubulin to promote its own microtubule-end localization. Thus, unlike the characteristic microtubule-regulated ATPase activity of kinesins, Kif7 modulates the tubulin mechanochemical cycle. We propose that the ubiquitous kinesin fold has been repurposed in Kif7 to facilitate organization of a spatially restricted platform for localization of Hedgehog effectors at the cilium tip.

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  1. Interplay between the Kinesin and Tubulin Mechanochemical Cycles Underlies Microtubule Tip Tracking by the Non-motile Ciliary Kinesin Kif7. Jiang S, Mani N, Wilson-Kubalek EM, Ku PI, Milligan RA, Subramanian R. Dev Cell 49 711-730.e8 (2019)
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  2. Emerging mechanistic understanding of cilia function in cellular signalling. Hilgendorf KI, Myers BR, Reiter JF. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol (2024)

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