5rfd Citations

Crystallographic and electrophilic fragment screening of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease.


COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2, lacks effective therapeutics. Additionally, no antiviral drugs or vaccines were developed against the closely related coronavirus, SARS-CoV-1 or MERS-CoV, despite previous zoonotic outbreaks. To identify starting points for such therapeutics, we performed a large-scale screen of electrophile and non-covalent fragments through a combined mass spectrometry and X-ray approach against the SARS-CoV-2 main protease, one of two cysteine viral proteases essential for viral replication. Our crystallographic screen identified 71 hits that span the entire active site, as well as 3 hits at the dimer interface. These structures reveal routes to rapidly develop more potent inhibitors through merging of covalent and non-covalent fragment hits; one series of low-reactivity, tractable covalent fragments were progressed to discover improved binders. These combined hits offer unprecedented structural and reactivity information for on-going structure-based drug design against SARS-CoV-2 main protease.

Reviews - 5rfd mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. A Comprehensive Review about the Molecular Structure of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): Insights into Natural Products against COVID-19. Saied EM, El-Maradny YA, Osman AA, Darwish AMG, Abo Nahas HH, Niedbała G, Piekutowska M, Abdel-Rahman MA, Balbool BA, Abdel-Azeem AM. Pharmaceutics 13 1759 (2021)
  2. Therapeutics for COVID-19: from computation to practices-where we are, where we are heading to. Ojha PK, Kar S, Krishna JG, Roy K, Leszczynski J. Mol Divers 25 625-659 (2021)

Articles - 5rfd mentioned but not cited (6)

  1. Update on the target structures of SARS-CoV-2: A systematic review. Prajapat M, Sarma P, Shekhar N, Prakash A, Avti P, Bhattacharyya A, Kaur H, Kumar S, Bansal S, Sharma AR, Medhi B. Indian J Pharmacol 52 142-149 (2020)
  2. Optimization Rules for SARS-CoV-2 Mpro Antivirals: Ensemble Docking and Exploration of the Coronavirus Protease Active Site. Stoddard SV, Stoddard SD, Oelkers BK, Fitts K, Whalum K, Whalum K, Hemphill AD, Manikonda J, Martinez LM, Riley EG, Roof CM, Sarwar N, Thomas DM, Ulmer E, Wallace FE, Pandey P, Roy S. Viruses 12 E942 (2020)
  3. Dynamic Profiling of β-Coronavirus 3CL Mpro Protease Ligand-Binding Sites. Cho E, Rosa M, Anjum R, Mehmood S, Soban M, Mujtaba M, Bux K, Moin ST, Tanweer M, Dantu S, Pandini A, Yin J, Ma H, Ramanathan A, Islam B, Mey ASJS, Bhowmik D, Haider S. J Chem Inf Model 61 3058-3073 (2021)
  4. Molecular dynamics and in silico mutagenesis on the reversible inhibitor-bound SARS-CoV-2 main protease complexes reveal the role of lateral pocket in enhancing the ligand affinity. Weng YL, Naik SR, Dingelstad N, Lugo MR, Kalyaanamoorthy S, Ganesan A. Sci Rep 11 7429 (2021)
  5. Allosteric Hotspots in the Main Protease of SARS-CoV-2. Strömich L, Wu N, Barahona M, Yaliraki SN. J Mol Biol 434 167748 (2022)
  6. Systematic Search for SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibitors for Drug Repurposing: Ethacrynic Acid as a Potential Drug. Isgrò C, Sardanelli AM, Palese LL. Viruses 13 106 (2021)

Reviews citing this publication (38)

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  7. Fragment-to-Lead Medicinal Chemistry Publications in 2020. de Esch IJP, Erlanson DA, Jahnke W, Johnson CN, Walsh L. J Med Chem 65 84-99 (2022)
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  45. Structure-Based Screening to Discover New Inhibitors for Papain-like Proteinase of SARS-CoV-2: An In Silico Study. Jamalan M, Barzegari E, Gholami-Borujeni F. J Proteome Res 20 1015-1026 (2021)
  46. A multi-pronged evaluation of aldehyde-based tripeptidyl main protease inhibitors as SARS-CoV-2 antivirals. Ma Y, Yang KS, Geng ZZ, Alugubelli YR, Shaabani N, Vatansever EC, Ma XR, Cho CC, Khatua K, Xiao J, Blankenship LR, Yu G, Sankaran B, Li P, Allen R, Ji H, Xu S, Liu WR. Eur J Med Chem 240 114570 (2022)
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