5oo0 Citations

High-Throughput Kinetic Analysis for Target-Directed Covalent Ligand Discovery.

OpenAccess logo Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 57 5257-5261 (2018)
Related entries: 5osj, 5osm

Cited: 23 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 29480525


Cysteine-reactive small molecules are used as chemical probes of biological systems and as medicines. Identifying high-quality covalent ligands requires comprehensive kinetic analysis to distinguish selective binders from pan-reactive compounds. Quantitative irreversible tethering (qIT), a general method for screening cysteine-reactive small molecules based upon the maximization of kinetic selectivity, is described. This method was applied prospectively to discover covalent fragments that target the clinically important cell cycle regulator Cdk2. Crystal structures of the inhibitor complexes validate the approach and guide further optimization. The power of this technique is highlighted by the identification of a Cdk2-selective allosteric (type IV) kinase inhibitor whose novel mode-of-action could be exploited therapeutically.

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  1. High-Throughput Kinetic Analysis for Target-Directed Covalent Ligand Discovery. Craven GB, Affron DP, Allen CE, Matthies S, Greener JG, Morgan RML, Tate EW, Armstrong A, Mann DJ. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 57 5257-5261 (2018)
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