4tq9 Citations

Biochemical and Structural Analysis of Common Cancer-Associated KRAS Mutations.

Mol Cancer Res 13 1325-35 (2015)
Related entries: 4ql3, 4tqa, 4wa7

Cited: 323 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 26037647

Articles - 4tq9 mentioned but not cited (11)

  1. Structural and functional characterization of a DARPin which inhibits Ras nucleotide exchange. Guillard S, Kolasinska-Zwierz P, Debreczeni J, Breed J, Zhang J, Bery N, Marwood R, Tart J, Overman R, Stocki P, Mistry B, Phillips C, Rabbitts T, Jackson R, Minter R. Nat Commun 8 16111 (2017)
  2. KRAS-specific inhibition using a DARPin binding to a site in the allosteric lobe. Bery N, Legg S, Debreczeni J, Breed J, Embrey K, Stubbs C, Kolasinska-Zwierz P, Barrett N, Marwood R, Watson J, Tart J, Overman R, Miller A, Phillips C, Minter R, Rabbitts TH. Nat Commun 10 2607 (2019)
  3. K-Ras G-domain binding with signaling lipid phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-phosphate (PIP2): membrane association, protein orientation, and function. Cao S, Chung S, Kim S, Li Z, Manor D, Buck M. J Biol Chem 294 7068-7084 (2019)
  4. A structural model of a Ras-Raf signalosome. Mysore VP, Zhou ZW, Ambrogio C, Li L, Kapp JN, Lu C, Wang Q, Tucker MR, Okoro JJ, Nagy-Davidescu G, Bai X, Plückthun A, Jänne PA, Westover KD, Shan Y, Shaw DE. Nat Struct Mol Biol 28 847-857 (2021)
  5. Exceptionally high-affinity Ras binders that remodel its effector domain. McGee JH, Shim SY, Lee SJ, Swanson PK, Jiang SY, Durney MA, Verdine GL. J Biol Chem 293 3265-3280 (2018)
  6. Organization of Farnesylated, Carboxymethylated KRAS4B on Membranes. Barklis E, Stephen AG, Staubus AO, Barklis RL, Alfadhli A. J Mol Biol 431 3706-3717 (2019)
  7. Biochemical characterization of the interaction between KRAS and Argonaute 2. Waninger JJ, Beyett TS, Gadkari VV, Siebenaler RF, Kenum C, Shankar S, Ruotolo BT, Chinnaiyan AM, Tesmer JJG. Biochem Biophys Rep 29 101191 (2022)
  8. Design of Small Molecules That Compete with Nucleotide Binding to an Engineered Oncogenic KRAS Allele. Zhang Y, Larraufie MH, Musavi L, Akkiraju H, Brown LM, Stockwell BR. Biochemistry 57 1380-1389 (2018)
  9. 2-Pyridin-4-yl-methylene-beta-boswellic Acid-A Potential Candidate for Targeting O6-Methylguanine-DNA Methyltransferase Epi-transcriptional Reprogramming in KRAS G13D-Microsatellite Stable, G12V-Microsatellite Instable Mutant Colon Cancer. Qayum A, Singh J, Kumar A, Shah SM, Srivastava S, Kushwaha M, Magotra A, Nandi U, Malik R, Shah BA, Singh SK. ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci 5 306-320 (2022)
  10. Multi-targeting of K-Ras domains and mutations by peptide and small molecule inhibitors. Poorebrahim M, Abazari MF, Moradi L, Shahbazi B, Mahmoudi R, Kalhor H, Askari H, Teimoori-Toolabi L. PLoS Comput Biol 18 e1009962 (2022)
  11. Wavelet coherence phase analysis decodes the universal switching mechanism of Ras GTPase superfamily. Motiwala Z, Sandholu AS, Sengupta D, Kulkarni K. iScience 26 107031 (2023)

Reviews citing this publication (113)

  1. RAS Proteins and Their Regulators in Human Disease. Simanshu DK, Nissley DV, McCormick F. Cell 170 17-33 (2017)
  2. RAS isoforms and mutations in cancer at a glance. Hobbs GA, Der CJ, Rossman KL. J Cell Sci 129 1287-1292 (2016)
  3. KRAS: The Critical Driver and Therapeutic Target for Pancreatic Cancer. Waters AM, Der CJ. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 8 a031435 (2018)
  4. The Frequency of Ras Mutations in Cancer. Prior IA, Hood FE, Hartley JL. Cancer Res 80 2969-2974 (2020)
  5. RAS-targeted therapies: is the undruggable drugged? Moore AR, Rosenberg SC, McCormick F, Malek S. Nat Rev Drug Discov 19 533-552 (2020)
  6. Genetics and biology of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Ying H, Dey P, Yao W, Kimmelman AC, Draetta GF, Maitra A, DePinho RA. Genes Dev 30 355-385 (2016)
  7. Direct small-molecule inhibitors of KRAS: from structural insights to mechanism-based design. Ostrem JM, Shokat KM. Nat Rev Drug Discov 15 771-785 (2016)
  8. Role of oncogenic KRAS in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer. Buscail L, Bournet B, Cordelier P. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 17 153-168 (2020)
  9. KRAS Alleles: The Devil Is in the Detail. Haigis KM. Trends Cancer 3 686-697 (2017)
  10. Therapeutic strategies to target RAS-mutant cancers. Ryan MB, Corcoran RB. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 15 709-720 (2018)
  11. A model for RAS mutation patterns in cancers: finding the sweet spot. Li S, Balmain A, Counter CM. Nat Rev Cancer 18 767-777 (2018)
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  13. KRAS-related proteins in pancreatic cancer. Mann KM, Ying H, Juan J, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG. Pharmacol Ther 168 29-42 (2016)
  14. Targeting KRAS(G12C): From Inhibitory Mechanism to Modulation of Antitumor Effects in Patients. Kim D, Xue JY, Lito P. Cell 183 850-859 (2020)
  15. A Comparative Analysis of Individual RAS Mutations in Cancer Biology. Muñoz-Maldonado C, Zimmer Y, Medová M. Front Oncol 9 1088 (2019)
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  23. RAS variant signalling. Mo SP, Coulson JM, Prior IA. Biochem Soc Trans 46 1325-1332 (2018)
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  8. BI-3406, a Potent and Selective SOS1-KRAS Interaction Inhibitor, Is Effective in KRAS-Driven Cancers through Combined MEK Inhibition. Hofmann MH, Gmachl M, Ramharter J, Savarese F, Gerlach D, Marszalek JR, Sanderson MP, Kessler D, Trapani F, Arnhof H, Rumpel K, Botesteanu DA, Ettmayer P, Gerstberger T, Kofink C, Wunberg T, Zoephel A, Fu SC, Teh JL, Böttcher J, Pototschnig N, Schachinger F, Schipany K, Lieb S, Vellano CP, O'Connell JC, Mendes RL, Moll J, Petronczki M, Heffernan TP, Pearson M, McConnell DB, Kraut N. Cancer Discov 11 142-157 (2021)
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