4cqi Citations

The structure of tubulin-binding cofactor A from Leishmania major infers a mode of association during the early stages of microtubule assembly.

Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun 71 539-46 (2015)
Cited: 3 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 25945706


Tubulin-binding cofactor A (TBCA) participates in microtubule formation, a key process in eukaryotic biology to create the cytoskeleton. There is little information on how TBCA might interact with β-tubulin en route to microtubule biogenesis. To address this, the protozoan Leishmania major was targeted as a model system. The crystal structure of TBCA and comparisons with three orthologous proteins are presented. The presence of conserved features infers that electrostatic interactions that are likely to involve the C-terminal tail of β-tubulin are key to association. This study provides a reagent and template to support further work in this area.

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  3. The structure of tubulin-binding cofactor A from Leishmania major infers a mode of association during the early stages of microtubule assembly. Barrack KL, Fyfe PK, Hunter WN. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun 71 539-546 (2015)