2jfn Citations

Exploitation of structural and regulatory diversity in glutamate racemases.

Nature 447 817-22 (2007)
Related entries: 2jfo, 2jfp, 2jfq, 2jfu, 2jfv, 2jfw, 2jfx, 2jfy, 2jfz

Cited: 84 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 17568739


Glutamate racemase is an enzyme essential to the bacterial cell wall biosynthesis pathway, and has therefore been considered as a target for antibacterial drug discovery. We characterized the glutamate racemases of several pathogenic bacteria using structural and biochemical approaches. Here we describe three distinct mechanisms of regulation for the family of glutamate racemases: allosteric activation by metabolic precursors, kinetic regulation through substrate inhibition, and D-glutamate recycling using a d-amino acid transaminase. In a search for selective inhibitors, we identified a series of uncompetitive inhibitors specifically targeting Helicobacter pylori glutamate racemase that bind to a cryptic allosteric site, and used these inhibitors to probe the mechanistic and dynamic features of the enzyme. These structural, kinetic and mutational studies provide insight into the physiological regulation of these essential enzymes and provide a basis for designing narrow-spectrum antimicrobial agents.

Reviews - 2jfn mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Intrinsic dynamics is evolutionarily optimized to enable allosteric behavior. Zhang Y, Doruker P, Kaynak B, Zhang S, Krieger J, Li H, Bahar I. Curr Opin Struct Biol 62 14-21 (2020)

Articles - 2jfn mentioned but not cited (6)

  1. ProDy 2.0: increased scale and scope after 10 years of protein dynamics modelling with Python. Zhang S, Krieger JM, Zhang Y, Kaya C, Kaynak B, Mikulska-Ruminska K, Doruker P, Li H, Bahar I. Bioinformatics 37 3657-3659 (2021)
  2. Essential site scanning analysis: A new approach for detecting sites that modulate the dispersion of protein global motions. Kaynak BT, Bahar I, Doruker P. Comput Struct Biotechnol J 18 1577-1586 (2020)
  3. Nature of allosteric inhibition in glutamate racemase: discovery and characterization of a cryptic inhibitory pocket using atomistic MD simulations and pKa calculations. Whalen KL, Tussey KB, Blanke SR, Spies MA. J Phys Chem B 115 3416-3424 (2011)
  4. Flooding enzymes: quantifying the contributions of interstitial water and cavity shape to ligand binding using extended linear response free energy calculations. Whalen KL, Spies MA. J Chem Inf Model 53 2349-2359 (2013)
  5. Biochemical Characterization of Glutamate Racemase-A New Candidate Drug Target against Burkholderia cenocepacia Infections. Israyilova A, Buroni S, Forneris F, Scoffone VC, Shixaliyev NQ, Riccardi G, Chiarelli LR. PLoS One 11 e0167350 (2016)
  6. Discovery of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Binding Proteins in the Escherichia coli Proteome Using a Combined Energetic- and Structural-Bioinformatics-Based Approach. Zeng L, Shin WH, Zhu X, Park SH, Park C, Tao WA, Kihara D. J Proteome Res 16 470-480 (2017)

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  3. Glutamate racemase as a target for drug discovery. Fisher SL. Microb Biotechnol 1 345-360 (2008)
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  10. Exploiting racemases. Femmer C, Bechtold M, Roberts TM, Panke S. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 100 7423-7436 (2016)
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