1yqw Citations

Structural differences between the ready and unready oxidized states of [NiFe] hydrogenases.

J Biol Inorg Chem 10 239-49 (2005)
Related entries: 1yq9, 1yrq

Cited: 122 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 15803334


[NiFe] hydrogenases catalyze the reversible heterolytic cleavage of molecular hydrogen. Several oxidized, inactive states of these enzymes are known that are distinguishable by their very different activation properties. So far, the structural basis for this difference has not been understood because of lack of relevant crystallographic data. Here, we present the crystal structure of the ready Ni-B state of Desulfovibrio fructosovorans [NiFe] hydrogenase and show it to have a putative mu-hydroxo Ni-Fe bridging ligand at the active site. On the other hand, a new, improved refinement procedure of the X-ray diffraction data obtained for putative unready Ni-A/Ni-SU states resulted in a more elongated electron density for the bridging ligand, suggesting that it is a diatomic species. The slow activation of the Ni-A state, compared with the rapid activation of the Ni-B state, is therefore proposed to result from the different chemical nature of the ligands in the two oxidized species. Our results along with very recent electrochemical studies suggest that the diatomic ligand could be hydro-peroxide.

Reviews - 1yqw mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Chemical approaches to detect and analyze protein sulfenic acids. Furdui CM, Poole LB. Mass Spectrom Rev 33 126-146 (2014)

Articles - 1yqw mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. Modulation of the electronic structure and the Ni-Fe distance in heterobimetallic models for the active site in [NiFe]hydrogenase. Zhu W, Marr AC, Wang Q, Neese F, Spencer DJ, Blake AJ, Cooke PA, Wilson C, Schröder M. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102 18280-18285 (2005)
  2. Experimental approaches to kinetics of gas diffusion in hydrogenase. Leroux F, Dementin S, Burlat B, Cournac L, Volbeda A, Champ S, Martin L, Guigliarelli B, Bertrand P, Fontecilla-Camps J, Rousset M, Léger C. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105 11188-11193 (2008)
  3. Mechanistic insight into the blocking of CO diffusion in [NiFe]-hydrogenase mutants through multiscale simulation. Wang PH, Blumberger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109 6399-6404 (2012)
  4. Unleashing the power of meta-threading for evolution/structure-based function inference of proteins. Brylinski M. Front Genet 4 118 (2013)

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  3. Gates of enzymes. Gora A, Brezovsky J, Damborsky J. Chem Rev 113 5871-5923 (2013)
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