1p3b Citations

Crystal structures of histone Sin mutant nucleosomes reveal altered protein-DNA interactions.

EMBO J 23 260-71 (2004)
Related entries: 1p34, 1p3a, 1p3f, 1p3g, 1p3i, 1p3k, 1p3l, 1p3m, 1p3o, 1p3p

Cited: 102 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 14739929


Here we describe 11 crystal structures of nucleosome core particles containing individual point mutations in the structured regions of histones H3 and H4. The mutated residues are located at the two protein-DNA interfaces flanking the nucleosomal dyad. Five of the mutations partially restore the in vivo effects of SWI/SNF inactivation in yeast. We find that even nonconservative mutations of these residues (which exhibit a distinct phenotype in vivo) have only moderate effects on global nucleosome structure. Rather, local protein-DNA interactions are disrupted and weakened in a subtle and complex manner. The number of lost protein-DNA interactions correlates directly with an increased propensity of the histone octamer to reposition with respect to the DNA, and with an overall destabilization of the nucleosome. Thus, the disruption of only two to six of the approximately 120 direct histone-DNA interactions within the nucleosome has a pronounced effect on nucleosome mobility and stability. This has implications for our understanding of how these structures are made accessible to the transcription and replication machinery in vivo.

Reviews - 1p3b mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Histone structure and nucleosome stability. Mariño-Ramírez L, Kann MG, Shoemaker BA, Landsman D. Expert Rev Proteomics 2 719-729 (2005)

Articles - 1p3b mentioned but not cited (6)

  1. The expanding landscape of 'oncohistone' mutations in human cancers. Nacev BA, Feng L, Bagert JD, Lemiesz AE, Gao J, Soshnev AA, Kundra R, Schultz N, Muir TW, Allis CD. Nature 567 473-478 (2019)
  2. Crystal structures of histone Sin mutant nucleosomes reveal altered protein-DNA interactions. Muthurajan UM, Bao Y, Forsberg LJ, Edayathumangalam RS, Dyer PN, White CL, Luger K. EMBO J 23 260-271 (2004)
  3. An ensemble of B-DNA dinucleotide geometries lead to characteristic nucleosomal DNA structure and provide plasticity required for gene expression. Marathe A, Bansal M. BMC Struct Biol 11 1 (2011)
  4. DNA architecture, deformability, and nucleosome positioning. Xu F, Olson WK. J Biomol Struct Dyn 27 725-739 (2010)
  5. Matching protein surface structural patches for high-resolution blind peptide docking. Khramushin A, Ben-Aharon Z, Tsaban T, Varga JK, Avraham O, Schueler-Furman O. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119 e2121153119 (2022)
  6. Statistical investigation of position-specific deformation pattern of nucleosome DNA based on multiple conformational properties. Yang X, Yan Y. Bioinformation 7 120-124 (2011)

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