1m31 Citations

Solution structure of human Mts1 (S100A4) as determined by NMR spectroscopy.

Biochemistry 41 12670-80 (2002)
Cited: 50 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 12379109


Mts1 is a member of the S100 family of Ca2+-binding proteins and is implicated in promoting tumor progression and metastasis. To better understand the structure-function relationships of this protein and to begin characterizing its Ca2+-dependent interaction with protein binding targets, the three-dimensional structure of mts1 was determined in the apo state by NMR spectroscopy. As with other S100 protein family members, mts1 is a symmetric homodimer held together by noncovalent interactions between two helices from each subunit (helices 1, 4, 1', and 4') to form an X-type four-helix bundle. Each subunit of mts1 has two EF-hand Ca2+-binding domains: a pseudo-EF-hand (or S100-hand) and a typical EF-hand that are brought into proximity by a small two-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet. The S100-hand is formed by helices 1 and 2, and is similar in conformation to other members of the S100 family. In the typical EF-hand, the position of helix 3 is similar to that of another member of the S100 protein family, calcyclin (S100A6), and less like that of other S100 family members for which three-dimensional structures are available in the calcium-free state (e.g., S100B and S100A1). The differences in the position of helix 3 in the apo state of these four S100 proteins are likely due to variations in the amino acid sequence in the C-terminus of helix 4 and in loop 2 (the hinge region) and could potentially be used to subclassify the S100 protein family.

Reviews - 1m31 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. S100 proteins as therapeutic targets. Bresnick AR. Biophys Rev 10 1617-1629 (2018)

Articles - 1m31 mentioned but not cited (10)

  1. Structure of Ca2+-bound S100A4 and its interaction with peptides derived from nonmuscle myosin-IIA. Malashkevich VN, Varney KM, Garrett SC, Wilder PT, Knight D, Charpentier TH, Ramagopal UA, Almo SC, Weber DJ, Bresnick AR. Biochemistry 47 5111-5126 (2008)
  2. Calprotectin S100A9 calcium-binding loops I and II are essential for keratinocyte resistance to bacterial invasion. Champaiboon C, Sappington KJ, Guenther BD, Ross KF, Herzberg MC. J Biol Chem 284 7078-7090 (2009)
  3. A biosensor of S100A4 metastasis factor activation: inhibitor screening and cellular activation dynamics. Garrett SC, Hodgson L, Rybin A, Toutchkine A, Hahn KM, Lawrence DS, Bresnick AR. Biochemistry 47 986-996 (2008)
  4. Mechanism of the Ca²+-dependent interaction between S100A4 and tail fragments of nonmuscle myosin heavy chain IIA. Badyal SK, Basran J, Bhanji N, Kim JH, Chavda AP, Jung HS, Craig R, Elliott PR, Irvine AF, Barsukov IL, Kriajevska M, Bagshaw CR. J Mol Biol 405 1004-1026 (2011)
  5. Exploring functional roles of multibinding protein interfaces. Tyagi M, Shoemaker BA, Bryant SH, Panchenko AR. Protein Sci 18 1674-1683 (2009)
  6. Peptide mimetic of the S100A4 protein modulates peripheral nerve regeneration and attenuates the progression of neuropathy in myelin protein P0 null mice. Moldovan M, Pinchenko V, Dmytriyeva O, Pankratova S, Fugleholm K, Klingelhofer J, Bock E, Berezin V, Krarup C, Kiryushko D. Mol Med 19 43-53 (2013)
  7. Ensemble epistasis: thermodynamic origins of nonadditivity between mutations. Morrison AJ, Wonderlick DR, Harms MJ. Genetics 219 iyab105 (2021)
  8. Conservation of Specificity in Two Low-Specificity Proteins. Wheeler LC, Anderson JA, Morrison AJ, Wong CE, Harms MJ. Biochemistry 57 684-695 (2018)
  9. The C-terminal random coil region tunes the Ca²⁺-binding affinity of S100A4 through conformational activation. Duelli A, Kiss B, Lundholm I, Bodor A, Petoukhov MV, Svergun DI, Nyitray L, Katona G. PLoS One 9 e97654 (2014)
  10. The metastasis-associated protein S100A4 exists in several charged variants suggesting the presence of posttranslational modifications. Haugen MH, Flatmark K, Mikalsen SO, Malandsmo GM. BMC Cancer 8 172 (2008)

Reviews citing this publication (6)

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  2. Binding of S100 proteins to RAGE: an update. Leclerc E, Fritz G, Vetter SW, Heizmann CW. Biochim Biophys Acta 1793 993-1007 (2009)
  3. The heavy chain has its day: regulation of myosin-II assembly. Dulyaninova NG, Bresnick AR. Bioarchitecture 3 77-85 (2013)
  4. Metastasis promoter S100A4 is a potentially valuable molecular target for cancer therapy. Sherbet GV. Cancer Lett 280 15-30 (2009)
  5. RAGE Inhibitors for Targeted Therapy of Cancer: A Comprehensive Review. Faruqui T, Khan MS, Akhter Y, Khan S, Rafi Z, Saeed M, Han I, Choi EH, Yadav DK. Int J Mol Sci 24 266 (2022)
  6. S100A6 as a Constituent and Potential Marker of Adult and Cancer Stem Cells. Leśniak W, Filipek A. Stem Cell Rev Rep 18 2699-2708 (2022)

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