1hkf Citations

The three-dimensional structure of the human NK cell receptor NKp44, a triggering partner in natural cytotoxicity.


Natural killer (NK) cells direct cytotoxicity against tumor or virally infected cells. NK cell activation depends on a fine balance between inhibitory and activating receptors. NKp44 is a cytotoxicity activating receptor composed of one Ig-like extracellular domain, a transmembrane segment, and a cytoplasmic domain. The 2.2 A crystal structure shows that the NKp44 Ig domain forms a saddle-shaped dimer, where a charged surface groove protrudes from the core structure in each subunit. NKp44 Ig domain disulfide bridge topology defines a new Ig structural subfamily. The data presented are a first step toward understanding the molecular basis for ligand recognition by natural cytotoxicity receptors, whose key role in the immune system is established, but whose cellular ligands are still elusive.

Reviews - 1hkf mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. Structural basis for recognition of cellular and viral ligands by NK cell receptors. Li Y, Mariuzza RA. Front Immunol 5 123 (2014)
  2. The structural basis of ligand recognition by natural killer cell receptors. Joyce MG, Sun PD. J. Biomed. Biotechnol. 2011 203628 (2011)
  3. Structural insights into activation of antiviral NK cell responses. Finton KA, Strong RK. Immunol. Rev. 250 239-257 (2012)

Articles - 1hkf mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. Temporal Study of the Microbial Diversity of the North Arm of Great Salt Lake, Utah, U.S. Almeida-Dalmet S, Sikaroodi M, Gillevet PM, Litchfield CD, Baxter BK. Microorganisms 3 310-326 (2015)
  2. Preparation, crystallization, and preliminary crystallographic analysis of wild-type and mutant human TREM-2 ectodomains linked to neurodegenerative and inflammatory diseases. Kober DL, Wanhainen KM, Johnson BM, Randolph DT, Holtzman MJ, Brett TJ. Protein Expr. Purif. 96 32-38 (2014)
  3. Comparative analysis of NK-cell receptor expression and function across primate species: Perspective on antiviral defenses. Biassoni R, Ugolotti E, De Maria A. Self Nonself 1 103-113 (2010)
  4. The dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors vildagliptin and K-579 inhibit a phospholipase C: a case of promiscuous scaffolds in proteins. Chakraborty S, Rendón-Ramírez A, Ásgeirsson B, Dutta M, Ghosh AS, Oda M, Venkatramani R, Rao BJ, Dandekar AM, Goñi FM. F1000Res 2 286 (2013)

Reviews citing this publication (14)

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