1hgb Citations

High resolution crystal structures and comparisons of T-state deoxyhaemoglobin and two liganded T-state haemoglobins: T(alpha-oxy)haemoglobin and T(met)haemoglobin.

J Mol Biol 228 551-79 (1992)
Related entries: 1hga, 1hgc

Cited: 57 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 1453464


The origin of co-operativity in haemoglobin (Hb) resides in the reduced affinity of the T-state. T-state Hb crystals grown from polyethyleneglycol can be liganded without the molecule switching to the R high affinity state. X-ray analysis of T-state alpha-oxy Hb and T-state met Hb has identified the structural basis for reduced affinity. The nature of the chemical tension at the haem environment is different in the alpha and beta haems. There are small but definite structural changes associated with ligation in the T-state: these prove to be mostly in the same direction as the larger changes that occur in the T-->R transition.

Reviews - 1hgb mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. New look at hemoglobin allostery. Yuan Y, Tam MF, Simplaceanu V, Ho C. Chem Rev 115 1702-1724 (2015)

Articles - 1hgb mentioned but not cited (6)

  1. A new method of identifying the site of tyrosyl radicals in proteins. Svistunenko DA, Cooper CE. Biophys J 87 582-595 (2004)
  2. Delineation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding sites on hemoglobin: from in silico predictions to biophysical characterization. Bahl N, Du R, Winarsih I, Ho B, Tucker-Kellogg L, Tidor B, Ding JL. J Biol Chem 286 37793-37803 (2011)
  3. The structure of haemoglobin bound to the haemoglobin receptor IsdH from Staphylococcus aureus shows disruption of the native α-globin haem pocket. Dickson CF, Jacques DA, Clubb RT, Guss JM, Gell DA. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 71 1295-1306 (2015)
  4. Structure of human R-state aquomethemoglobin at 2.0 Å resolution. Yi J, Thomas LM, Richter-Addo GB. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun 67 647-651 (2011)
  5. Methemoglobin formation in mutant hemoglobin α chains: electron transfer parameters and rates. Dixit VA, Blumberger J, Vyas SK. Biophys J 120 3807-3819 (2021)
  6. Tyrosyl radical in haemoglobin and haptoglobin-haemoglobin complex: how does haptoglobin make haemoglobin less toxic? Svistunenko DA, Manole A. J Biomed Res 34 281-291 (2019)

Reviews citing this publication (4)

  1. The multiple functions of hemoglobin. Giardina B, Messana I, Scatena R, Castagnola M. Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol 30 165-196 (1995)
  2. Activation of dioxygen by copper metalloproteins and insights from model complexes. Quist DA, Diaz DE, Liu JJ, Karlin KD. J Biol Inorg Chem 22 253-288 (2017)
  3. Spectroscopic features of cytochrome P450 reaction intermediates. Luthra A, Denisov IG, Sligar SG. Arch Biochem Biophys 507 26-35 (2011)
  4. From protein structure to function via single crystal optical spectroscopy. Ronda L, Bruno S, Bettati S, Storici P, Mozzarelli A. Front Mol Biosci 2 12 (2015)

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