1grq Citations

Structural basis for chloramphenicol tolerance in Streptomyces venezuelae by chloramphenicol phosphotransferase activity.

Protein Sci 10 1508-13 (2001)
Cited: 9 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 11468347


Streptomyces venezuelae synthesizes chloramphenicol (Cm), an inhibitor of ribosomal peptidyl transferase activity, thereby inhibiting bacterial growth. The producer escapes autoinhibition by its own secondary metabolite through phosphorylation of Cm by chloramphenicol phosphotransferase (CPT). In addition to active site binding, CPT binds its product 3-phosphoryl-Cm, in an alternate product binding site. To address the mechanisms of Cm tolerance of the producer, the crystal structures of CPT were determined in complex with either the nonchlorinated Cm (2-N-Ac-Cm) at 3.1 A resolution or the antibiotic's immediate precursor, the p-amino analog p-NH(2)-Cm, at 2.9 A resolution. Surprisingly, p-NH(2)-Cm binds CPT in a novel fashion. Additionally, neither 2-N-Ac-Cm nor p-NH(2)-Cm binds to the secondary product binding site.

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