1fpv Citations

Structure determination of feline panleukopenia virus empty particles.

Proteins 16 155-71 (1993)
Cited: 116 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 8392729


Various crystal forms of the single-stranded DNA, feline panleukopenia virus (FPV), a parvovirus, have been grown of both full virions and empty particles. The structure of empty particles crystallized in an orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit cell dimensions a = 380.1 A, b = 379.3 A, and c = 350.9 A, has been determined to 3.3 A resolution. The data were collected using oscillation photography with synchrotron radiation. The orientations of the empty capsids in the unit cell were determined using a self-rotation function and their positions were obtained with an R-factor search using canine parvovirus (CPV) as a model. Phases were then calculated, based on the CPV model, to 6.0 A resolution and gradually extended to 3.3 A resolution by molecular replacement electron density averaging. The resultant electron density was readily interpreted in terms of the known amino acid sequence. The structure is contrasted to that of CPV in terms of host range, neutralization by antibodies, hemagglutination properties, and binding of genomic DNA.

Reviews - 1fpv mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Twenty-Five Years of Structural Parvovirology. Mietzsch M, Pénzes JJ, Agbandje-McKenna M. Viruses 11 E362 (2019)

Articles - 1fpv mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. Structural comparison of different antibodies interacting with parvovirus capsids. Hafenstein S, Bowman VD, Sun T, Nelson CD, Palermo LM, Chipman PR, Battisti AJ, Parrish CR, Rossmann MG. J Virol 83 5556-5566 (2009)
  2. Single Mutations in the VP2 300 Loop Region of the Three-Fold Spike of the Carnivore Parvovirus Capsid Can Determine Host Range. Allison AB, Organtini LJ, Zhang S, Hafenstein SL, Holmes EC, Parrish CR. J Virol 90 753-767 (2016)
  3. The structure and host entry of an invertebrate parvovirus. Meng G, Zhang X, Plevka P, Yu Q, Tijssen P, Rossmann MG. J Virol 87 12523-12530 (2013)
  4. Feline Panleukopenia Virus With G299E Substitution in the VP2 Protein First Identified From a Captive Giant Panda in China. Yi S, Liu S, Meng X, Huang P, Cao Z, Jin H, Wang J, Hu G, Lan J, Zhang D, Gao Y, Wang H, Li N, Feng N, Hou R, Yang S, Xia X. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 11 820144 (2021)

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  2. Parvovirus host range, cell tropism and evolution. Hueffer K, Parrish CR. Curr Opin Microbiol 6 392-398 (2003)
  3. AAV hybrid serotypes: improved vectors for gene delivery. Choi VW, McCarty DM, Samulski RJ. Curr Gene Ther 5 299-310 (2005)
  4. Receptor targeting of adeno-associated virus vectors. Büning H, Ried MU, Perabo L, Gerner FM, Huttner NA, Enssle J, Hallek M. Gene Ther 10 1142-1151 (2003)
  5. How do animal DNA viruses get to the nucleus? Kasamatsu H, Nakanishi A. Annu Rev Microbiol 52 627-686 (1998)
  6. Adeno-associated virus vectors: potential applications for cancer gene therapy. Li C, Bowles DE, van Dyke T, Samulski RJ. Cancer Gene Ther 12 913-925 (2005)
  7. Host range relationships and the evolution of canine parvovirus. Parrish CR. Vet Microbiol 69 29-40 (1999)
  8. Parvovirus glycan interactions. Huang LY, Halder S, Agbandje-McKenna M. Curr Opin Virol 7 108-118 (2014)
  9. Pathogenesis of feline panleukopenia virus and canine parvovirus. Parrish CR. Baillieres Clin Haematol 8 57-71 (1995)
  10. Producing recombinant adeno-associated virus in foster cells: overcoming production limitations using a baculovirus-insect cell expression strategy. Virag T, Cecchini S, Kotin RM. Hum Gene Ther 20 807-817 (2009)
  11. Structure of viruses: a short history. Rossmann MG. Q Rev Biophys 46 133-180 (2013)
  12. Pathways of cell infection by parvoviruses and adeno-associated viruses. Vihinen-Ranta M, Suikkanen S, Parrish CR. J Virol 78 6709-6714 (2004)
  13. Parvovirus Capsid-Antibody Complex Structures Reveal Conservation of Antigenic Epitopes Across the Family. Emmanuel SN, Mietzsch M, Tseng YS, Smith JK, Agbandje-McKenna M. Viral Immunol 34 3-17 (2021)
  14. Small but mighty: old and new parvoviruses of veterinary significance. Jager MC, Tomlinson JE, Lopez-Astacio RA, Parrish CR, Van de Walle GR. Virol J 18 210 (2021)
  15. Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) Gene Delivery: Dissecting Molecular Interactions upon Cell Entry. Large EE, Silveria MA, Zane GM, Weerakoon O, Chapman MS. Viruses 13 1336 (2021)
  16. Structural studies on antibody recognition and neutralization of viruses. Smith TJ. Curr Opin Virol 1 150-156 (2011)
  17. The Structures and Functions of Parvovirus Capsids and Missing Pieces: the Viral DNA and Its Packaging, Asymmetrical Features, Nonprotein Components, and Receptor or Antibody Binding and Interactions. López-Astacio RA, Adu OF, Lee H, Hafenstein SL, Parrish CR. J Virol 97 e0016123 (2023)

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  93. Isolation, cloning and analysis of parvovirus-specific canine antibodies from peripheral blood B cells. Früh SP, Adu OF, López-Astacio RA, Weichert WS, Wasik BR, Parrish CR. Dev Comp Immunol 147 104894 (2023)
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