Chemical Components in the PDB

PDBeChem : Atoms of Molecule

 Molecule : DBU

Atoms of a chemical element, that composes a molecule

Total Number of Atoms: 14

Record Atom Name Symbol PDB Name Stereochemistry Is Aromatic Is Leaving Atom Charge X-Coordinate Y-Coordinate Z-Coordinate
1 N N N N N N 0 0.897 2.171 -1.353
2 CA C CA N N N 0 2.034 1.474 -1.063
3 CB C CB N N N 0 2.118 0.311 -0.392
4 CG C CG N N N 0 0.973 -0.465 0.179
5 C C C N N N 0 3.331 2.048 -1.531
6 O O O N N N 0 4.435 1.555 -1.357
7 OXT O OXT N N Y 0 3.131 3.215 -2.192
8 H H H N N N 0 0.983 3.094 -1.718
9 H2 H H2 N N Y 0 0.016 1.735 -1.19
10 HB H 1HB N N N 0 3.088 -0.152 -0.221
11 HG1 H 1HG N N N 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
12 HG2 H 2HG N N N 0 1.102 -0.569 1.261
13 HG3 H 3HG N N N 0 0.952 -1.467 -0.26
14 HXT H HXT N N Y 0 3.973 3.607 -2.507