Chemical Components in the PDB

PDBeChem : Atoms of Molecule

 Molecule : DBB

Atoms of a chemical element, that composes a molecule

Total Number of Atoms: 16

Record Atom Name Symbol PDB Name Stereochemistry Is Aromatic Is Leaving Atom Charge X-Coordinate Y-Coordinate Z-Coordinate
1 N N N N N N 0 0.634 1.556 0.369
2 CA C CA R N N 0 0.31 0.125 0.428
3 C C C N N N 0 -1.126 -0.083 0.022
4 O O O N N N 0 -1.702 0.765 -0.617
5 CB C CB N N N 0 1.226 -0.645 -0.525
6 CG C CG N N N 0 2.674 -0.536 -0.041
7 OXT O OXT N N Y 0 -1.766 -1.21 0.371
8 H H H N N N 0 0.506 1.918 -0.564
9 H2 H H1 N N Y 0 0.087 2.079 1.037
10 HA H HA N N N 0 0.456 -0.239 1.445
11 HB2 H HB2 N N N 0 0.928 -1.693 -0.548
12 HB3 H HB3 N N Y 0 1.146 -0.222 -1.527
13 HG1 H HG1 N N N 0 2.971 0.512 -0.018
14 HG2 H HG2 N N N 0 2.754 -0.959 0.961
15 HG3 H HG3 N N N 0 3.326 -1.085 -0.72
16 HXT H HXT N N Y 0 -2.686 -1.298 0.088