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Protein and Associated NucleotideDomains with Inferred Trees

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Protein and Associated NucleotideDomains with Inferred Trees


(Pfam reference: accession no. PF11397)

This family (PF11397) is not available within PANDIT.

Usually this will be because it is a Pfam family for which there is too little sequence data (Pfam-A seed alignment or corresponding DNA) to generate a meaningful PANDIT entry, or one that has not yet been incorporated into PANDIT (particularly soon after new Pfam releases—compare PANDIT and Pfam release numbers). Possibly it is a family that has been removed from Pfam. Check the above link to Pfam for further details. If this does not resolve your problem, or you think there is some error, please contact the PANDIT team at pandit@ebi.ac.uk.