

Reactome is a free, manually curated knowledge base that provides a user-friendly platform to access and analyse information on molecular mechanisms of reactions and pathways. While IntAct focusses on the interaction of proteins with other target molecules, Reactome provides details on reactions and pathways in various useful formats including expert-reviewed texts, interactive diagrams and structured hierarchies. This wealth of information is complemented by a range of analysis tools that allow users to investigate experimental data. Reactome allows the export of information and analysis results in standard formats for further analysis.

Like IntAct, Reactome is curated by life scientists, using evidence from the scientific literature and input from experts in each pathway. The curation rules can be found on the Reactome wiki.

The Reactome Pathway Analysis Tool can be used to ‘paint’ pathways with a list of proteins (e.g. a list of UniProt accessions derived from a proteomics experiment) or genes (e.g. a list of EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ IDs derived from a functional genomics experiment). Reactome will display pathways associated with your submitted data, with links from within Reactome to biological process entries. Reactome uses UniProtKB IDs, which can be followed to a UniProtKB summary page.

Explore the Reactome homepage by clicking on the  below:

Figure 5 Reactome homepage showing ways Reactome can be used.

The Reactome quick tour provides a short introduction to using Reactome.