
Quick links menu

On the right hand side of a PDB entry page you will see the ‘Quick links’ menu, which provides links to each of the five sections:

The ‘Quick links’ menu also enables you to download the structure in several formats.

The ‘Quick links’ menu has a view structure in 3D option (Figures 2). Clicking on ‘3D Visualisation‘ opens an interactive window where the 3D structure can be rotated, etc (Figure 3 and Figure 4).

A snapshot of the summary page for 4KGC. '3D Visualisation' link has a red box
Figure 2 Clicking on the image highlighted in red will open up a portfolio of images.
Molsar view of PDB entry 4KGC. This structure is of a nucleosome with double-strand DNA encircling a protein core composed of 8 chains.
Figure 3 An interactive 3D view of the PDB entry 4KGC using Mol*.
Molsar view of PDB entry 4KGC, rotated by 90 degrees. This structure is of a nucleosome with double-strand DNA encircling a protein core composed of 8 chains.
Figure 4 An interactive 3D view of the PDB entry 4KGC using Mol*, rotated.