
Searching with a protein identifier

By searching for a protein accession on the quick search or by clicking on it in the search result list, you’ll be redirected to the InterPro protein page.

The protein page is similar to the sequence search results page, but it contains extra information, drawn from UniProtKB which is displayed at the top of the page in an additional section (Figure 20). This includes information on the name of the protein in UniProtKB, its accession and short name, the species in which it is found and its length in amino acids. Following the external link section will take you to the UniProtKB entry for this protein.

The page also contains a ‘Protein family membership‘ section showing the InterPro family entries the protein is found in.

Additional information can also be found in the side menu: ‘Entries’ lists all the InterPro entries where the protein is found, ‘Sequence‘ gives access to the protein sequence with quick access to InterProScan and HMMER search tools, ‘Similar proteins‘ lists all UniProtKB proteins with the same domain architecture, ‘Structures‘ lists any PDB structural information for the protein accession searched, and ‘AlphaFold‘ shows the AlphaFold predicted structure for the protein (these links will only be active where such information is present in UniProtKB).

In the protein sequence viewer, family, domain, homologous superfamily, site and repeat information are displayed as in the sequence search results page, but extra information is available:

  • Disordered regions, signal peptide regions, transmembrane regions, coiled regions, cytoplasmic/non-cytoplasmic domains, CATH-Funfams, spurious proteins, eukaryotic linear motifs and Pfam-N annotations are displayed in the ‘Other features‘ section.
  • Genome3D domain and structure predictions, intrinsically disordered proteins and tandem repeats are displayed under the ‘External Sources‘ category. For more information regarding Genome3D predictions, look at the Genome3D annotations in InterPro course that is available on Train online.
  • Residues‘ annotations are provided by the CDD, SFLD and PIRSR databases.

For an exhaustive list of the information available in the protein sequence viewer, you can take a look at the InterPro documentation.

Figure 20 Protein page showing InterPro predictions for UniProtKB protein O88551.