
Functional genomic resources at EMBL-EBI

EMBL-EBI has two main functional genomic resources:

  1. The ArrayExpress data collection in BioStudies: A database of functional genomics data
  2. Expression Atlas: A database containing analysed gene expression data derived from sets stored in BioStudies. A further Single Cell Expression Atlas has also now been developed

The relationship between the ArrayExpress and Expression Atlas and other software / resources is shown in Figure 2:

Figure 2. The relationship between the ArrayExpress and Expression Atlas databases.

The ArrayExpress data collection in BioStudies and Expression Atlas are linked to other EMBL-EBI databases such as ENAEnsembl and Uniprot, which provide additional information on DNA and protein sequences and functions (Figure 2). Moreover, the two databases link out to data analysis software such as Bioconductor (6) – a tool for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data.