Virtual course

CZI-CABANA Joint Workshop: Microbiome Bioinformatics with QIIME 2

Members of the QIIME 2 team will teach a five-day online workshop on bioinformatics tools for microbiome science. This workshop will provide attendees with the foundation needed to begin using QIIME 2 to advance their own microbiome research projects. This will be accomplished by providing detailed in-depth “theory” lectures, hands-on interactive tutorials, guided discussion, and general question-and-answer sessions

The workshop will include lectures covering QIIME 2 usage and theory, and interactive work with QIIME 2 to perform microbiome analysis from raw sequence data through publication-quality statistics and visualizations. This workshop will also feature several opportunities for attendees to network with other researchers in the field, as well as with QIIME 2 developers and other experts.

Who is this course for?

This course is suitable for postgraduate wet-lab researchers and also bioinformaticians at graduate-level upwards within Latin America who are working with and/or generating their own microbiome datasets. Ideally your research or application is related to CABANA's challenge areas of sustainable food production, protection of biodiversity, or communicable diseases.


This workshop is part-funded by the CABANA project and has a maximum capacity of 50 trainees, 25 of which are for trainees within Latin America (excluding Chile and Uruguay due to GCRF grant conditions). If you are not currently employed within Latin America, you can still register for this course via general admission, please visit the QIIME workshop website for more details.

Early-stage researchers and researchers from underrepresented ethnic groups are especially encouraged to apply for this workshop.

Please note this course will be taught in English.


What will I learn?

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Explain QIIME 2 types, formats and metadata.
  • Demultiplex data and perform quality control
  • Reconstruct basic phylogenetic trees
  • Measure alpha and beta diversity
  • Import and export data
  • Perform basic taxonomic and differential abundance analyses
  • Define various existing QIIME 2 plugins

Course content

Topics will include:

  • Introduction to QIIME 2
  • Core concepts
  • QIIME 2 types, formats, and metadata
  • Demultiplexing and quality control
  • Phylogenetic reconstruction
  • Measuring alpha and beta diversity
  • Importing and exporting data
  • Taxonomic analysis
  • Differential abundance
  • QIIME 2 plugin highlights

This online course will comprise a blend of pre-recorded and live lectures. Pre-recorded lectures will be made available prior to each day of the workshop, that way attendees with schedule conflicts can stay caught up with the material. There will also be interactive command-line based tutorial sessions, where attendees will perform microbiome analyses using QIIME 2, online.


Greg Caporaso
Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, Northern Arizona University, USA
Matthew Ryan Dillon
Northern Arizona University, USA
This course has ended

05 - 09 October 2020
Greg Caporaso, Matthew Ryan Dillon

  • Guilherme Oliveira
    Instituto Tecnológico Vale (ITV), Brazil
  • Gisele Nunes Lopes
    Instituto Tecnológico Vale (ITV), Brazil
  • Santelmo Vasconcelos
    Instituto Tecnológico Vale (ITV), Brazil
  • Natalia Pin Viso
    INTA Castelar, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Piraveen Gopalasingam

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