Genomics Technology Infrastructure | EMBL-EBI

Genomics Technology Infrastructure

Team Leader, Genomics Technology Infrastructure

Andrew Yates

Andrew Yates

Team Leader, Genomics Technology Infrastructure

ORCID: 0000-0002-8886-4772



Andy Yates leads the Genomics Technology Infrastructure team, which provides technical development and production capacity for the Ensembl and DECIPHER projects. Andy joined EMBL-EBI in 2006 and has developed production infrastructure and databases for Integr8, Ensembl and Ensembl Genomes which he was a founding member of the resource in 2008. He became a team leader in 2015 and now serves as joint-PI for the Ensembl project. Since 2017, Andy has led the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health workstream Genomic Knowledge Standards and has steered the development of three standards; refget, Variation Representation Specification and Service Info. His background is in Pharmacology and he holds a MSc in Bioinformatics from the University of Manchester.


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