4oe7 Citations

Crystal structure of YagE, a KDG aldolase protein, in complex with aldol condensed product of pyruvate and glyoxal

To be published
Related entries: 2v8z, 2v9d, 3n2x, 3nev, 4ptn

Related citations provided by authors (2)

  1. Crystal structure of YagE, a putative DHDPS-like protein from Escherichia coli K12.. Manicka S, Peleg Y, Unger T, Albeck S, Dym O, Greenblatt HM, Bourenkov G, Lamzin V, Krishnaswamy S, Sussman JL Proteins 71 2102-8 (2008)
  2. Identification of biochemical and putative biological role of a xenolog from Escherichia coli using structural analysis.. Bhaskar V, Kumar M, Manicka S, Tripathi S, Venkatraman A, Krishnaswamy S Proteins 79 1132-42 (2011)