4a7i Citations

Fragment deconstruction of small, potent factor Xa inhibitors: exploring the superadditivity energetics of fragment linking in protein-ligand complexes.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 51 905-11 (2012)
Cited: 16 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 22190348

Articles - 4a7i mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Novel 2-aminobenzamides as potential orally active antithrombotic agents. Verma A, Giridhar R, Kanhed A, Sinha A, Modh P, Yadav MR. ACS Med Chem Lett 4 32-36 (2013)

Reviews citing this publication (4)

  1. Applying thermodynamic profiling in lead finding and optimization. Klebe G. Nat Rev Drug Discov 14 95-110 (2015)
  2. Contemporary developments in the discovery of selective factor Xa inhibitors: A review. Patel NR, Patel DV, Murumkar PR, Yadav MR. Eur J Med Chem 121 671-698 (2016)
  3. Fragment library design, synthesis and expansion: nurturing a synthesis and training platform. Ray PC, Kiczun M, Huggett M, Lim A, Prati F, Gilbert IH, Wyatt PG. Drug Discov. Today 22 43-56 (2017)
  4. Schistosomiasis Drug Discovery in the Era of Automation and Artificial Intelligence. Moreira-Filho JT, Silva AC, Dantas RF, Gomes BF, Souza Neto LR, Brandao-Neto J, Owens RJ, Furnham N, Neves BJ, Silva-Junior FP, Andrade CH. Front Immunol 12 642383 (2021)

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