1zkk Citations

Structural and functional analysis of SET8, a histone H4 Lys-20 methyltransferase.

Genes Dev 19 1455-65 (2005)
Cited: 155 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 15933070


SET8 (also known as PR-SET7) is a histone H4-Lys-20-specific methyltransferase that is implicated in cell-cycle-dependent transcriptional silencing and mitotic regulation in metazoans. Herein we report the crystal structure of human SET8 (hSET8) bound to a histone H4 peptide bearing Lys-20 and the product cofactor S-adenosylhomocysteine. Histone H4 intercalates in the substrate-binding cleft as an extended parallel beta-strand. Residues preceding Lys-20 in H4 engage in an extensive array of salt bridge, hydrogen bond, and van der Waals interactions with hSET8, while the C-terminal residues bind through predominantly hydrophobic interactions. Mutational analysis of both the substrate-binding cleft and histone H4 reveals that interactions with residues in the N and C termini of the H4 peptide are critical for conferring substrate specificity. Finally, analysis of the product specificity indicates that hSET8 is a monomethylase, consistent with its role in the maintenance of Lys-20 monomethylation during cell division.

Reviews - 1zkk mentioned but not cited (6)

  1. Histone lysine methylation dynamics: establishment, regulation, and biological impact. Black JC, Van Rechem C, Whetstine JR. Mol Cell 48 491-507 (2012)
  2. Inhibitors of Protein Methyltransferases and Demethylases. Kaniskan HÜ, Martini ML, Jin J. Chem Rev 118 989-1068 (2018)
  3. EZH2: biology, disease, and structure-based drug discovery. Tan JZ, Yan Y, Wang XX, Jiang Y, Xu HE. Acta Pharmacol Sin 35 161-174 (2014)
  4. The emerging role of lysine methyltransferase SETD8 in human diseases. Milite C, Feoli A, Viviano M, Rescigno D, Cianciulli A, Balzano AL, Mai A, Castellano S, Sbardella G. Clin Epigenetics 8 102 (2016)
  5. Dynamics of histone lysine methylation: structures of methyl writers and erasers. Upadhyay AK, Cheng X. Prog Drug Res 67 107-124 (2011)
  6. Modulation of epigenetic targets for anticancer therapy: clinicopathological relevance, structural data and drug discovery perspectives. Andreoli F, Barbosa AJ, Parenti MD, Del Rio A. Curr Pharm Des 19 578-613 (2013)

Articles - 1zkk mentioned but not cited (17)

  1. Structural and functional analysis of SET8, a histone H4 Lys-20 methyltransferase. Couture JF, Collazo E, Brunzelle JS, Trievel RC. Genes Dev 19 1455-1465 (2005)
  2. Sinefungin derivatives as inhibitors and structure probes of protein lysine methyltransferase SETD2. Zheng W, Ibáñez G, Wu H, Blum G, Zeng H, Dong A, Li F, Hajian T, Allali-Hassani A, Amaya MF, Siarheyeva A, Yu W, Brown PJ, Schapira M, Vedadi M, Min J, Luo M. J Am Chem Soc 134 18004-18014 (2012)
  3. Structural origins for the product specificity of SET domain protein methyltransferases. Couture JF, Dirk LM, Brunzelle JS, Houtz RL, Trievel RC. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105 20659-20664 (2008)
  4. Structural insights into conformational stability of both wild-type and mutant EZH2 receptor. Aier I, Varadwaj PK, Raj U. Sci Rep 6 34984 (2016)
  5. Structure of the catalytic domain of EZH2 reveals conformational plasticity in cofactor and substrate binding sites and explains oncogenic mutations. Wu H, Zeng H, Dong A, Li F, He H, Senisterra G, Seitova A, Duan S, Brown PJ, Vedadi M, Arrowsmith CH, Schapira M. PLoS One 8 e83737 (2013)
  6. Targets in epigenetics: inhibiting the methyl writers of the histone code. Yost JM, Korboukh I, Liu F, Gao C, Jin J. Curr Chem Genomics 5 72-84 (2011)
  7. Molecular dynamics analysis to evaluate docking pose prediction. Sakano T, Mahamood MI, Yamashita T, Fujitani H. Biophys Physicobiol 13 181-194 (2016)
  8. The dynamic conformational landscape of the protein methyltransferase SETD8. Chen S, Wiewiora RP, Meng F, Babault N, Ma A, Yu W, Qian K, Hu H, Zou H, Wang J, Fan S, Blum G, Pittella-Silva F, Beauchamp KA, Tempel W, Jiang H, Chen K, Skene RJ, Zheng YG, Brown PJ, Jin J, Luo C, Chodera JD, Luo M. Elife 8 e45403 (2019)
  9. Multivalent Interactions by the Set8 Histone Methyltransferase With Its Nucleosome Substrate. Girish TS, McGinty RK, Tan S. J Mol Biol 428 1531-1543 (2016)
  10. Structure-Based Design of a Covalent Inhibitor of the SET Domain-Containing Protein 8 (SETD8) Lysine Methyltransferase. Butler KV, Ma A, Yu W, Li F, Tempel W, Babault N, Pittella-Silva F, Shao J, Wang J, Luo M, Vedadi M, Brown PJ, Arrowsmith CH, Jin J. J Med Chem 59 9881-9889 (2016)
  11. Structural basis of nucleosomal histone H4 lysine 20 methylation by SET8 methyltransferase. Ho CH, Takizawa Y, Kobayashi W, Arimura Y, Kimura H, Kurumizaka H. Life Sci Alliance 4 e202000919 (2021)
  12. Turning a Substrate Peptide into a Potent Inhibitor for the Histone Methyltransferase SETD8. Judge RA, Zhu H, Upadhyay AK, Bodelle PM, Hutchins CW, Torrent M, Marin VL, Yu W, Vedadi M, Li F, Brown PJ, Pappano WN, Sun C, Petros AM. ACS Med Chem Lett 7 1102-1106 (2016)
  13. Deep Neural Network Classifier for Virtual Screening Inhibitors of (S)-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAM)-Dependent Methyltransferase Family. Li F, Wan X, Xing J, Tan X, Li X, Wang Y, Zhao J, Wu X, Liu X, Li Z, Luo X, Lu W, Zheng M. Front Chem 7 324 (2019)
  14. 5-Methoxyquinoline Derivatives as a New Class of EZH2 Inhibitors. Xiang P, Jie H, Zhou Y, Yang B, Wang HJ, Hu J, Hu J, Yang SY, Zhao YL. Molecules 20 7620-7636 (2015)
  15. A Computational Approach Using Bioinformatics to Screening Drug Targets for Leishmania infantum Species. Chávez-Fumagalli MA, Schneider MS, Lage DP, Tavares GSV, Mendonça DVC, Santos TTO, Pádua RM, Machado-de-Ávila RA, Leite JPV, Coelho EAF. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2018 6813467 (2018)
  16. Distinct developmental phenotypes result from mutation of Set8/KMT5A and histone H4 lysine 20 in Drosophila melanogaster. Crain AT, Klusza S, Armstrong RL, Santa Rosa P, Temple BRS, Strahl BD, McKay DJ, Matera AG, Duronio RJ. Genetics 221 iyac054 (2022)
  17. Machine learning to estimate the local quality of protein crystal structures. Miyaguchi I, Sato M, Kashima A, Nakagawa H, Kokabu Y, Ma B, Matsumoto S, Tokuhisa A, Ohta M, Ikeguchi M. Sci Rep 11 23599 (2021)

Reviews citing this publication (33)

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  10. Structure and function of histone H3 lysine 9 methyltransferases and demethylases. Krishnan S, Horowitz S, Trievel RC. Chembiochem 12 254-263 (2011)
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  33. The engagement of histone lysine methyltransferases with nucleosomes: structural basis, regulatory mechanisms, and therapeutic implications. Li Y, Ge K, Li T, Cai R, Chen Y. Protein Cell 14 165-179 (2023)

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