Chemical Components in the PDB

PDBeChem : Atoms of Molecule

 Molecule : DAL

Atoms of a chemical element, that composes a molecule

Total Number of Atoms: 13

Record Atom Name Symbol PDB Name Stereochemistry Is Aromatic Is Leaving Atom Charge X-Coordinate Y-Coordinate Z-Coordinate
1 N N N N N N 0 -1.564 -0.992 0.101
2 CA C CA R N N 0 -0.724 0.176 0.402
3 CB C CB N N N 0 -1.205 1.374 -0.42
4 C C C N N N 0 0.709 -0.132 0.051
5 O O O N N N 0 1.001 -1.213 -0.403
6 OXT O OXT N N Y 0 1.66 0.795 0.243
7 H H H N N N 0 -1.281 -1.723 0.736
8 H2 H HN2 N N Y 0 -2.509 -0.741 0.351
9 HA H HA N N N 0 -0.796 0.411 1.464
10 HB1 H 1HB N N N 0 -1.133 1.139 -1.481
11 HB2 H 2HB N N N 0 -2.241 1.597 -0.166
12 HB3 H 3HB N N N 0 -0.582 2.24 -0.197
13 HXT H HXT N N Y 0 2.58 0.598 0.018