alpha proteobacterium HIMB5

Taxonomy database identifier: 859653
Superkingdom Bacteria
Phylum Proteobacteria
Class Alphaproteobacteria
Species NULL
Common Name alpha proteobacterium HIMB5
Peptidase View peptidase sequences from alpha proteobacterium HIMB5
Count of known and putative peptidases: 0, non-peptidase homologues 0
Completely sequences genomes from subspecies and strains Protein coding genes

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Clan Family MEROPS ID Peptidase or homologue (subtype) MERNUM Gene Link Locus Megabases
AC A8 unassigned family A8 unassigned peptidases MER0266095 lspA HIMB5_00000970
AD A24 unassigned subfamily A24A unassigned peptidases MER0270501 HIMB5_00008250
CO C40 unassigned family C40 unassigned peptidases MER0722629 HIMB5_00000440
MA M41 M41.001 FtsH peptidase MER0366523 ftsH HIMB5_00010570
ME M16 unassigned subfamily M16B unassigned peptidases MER0922089 HIMB5_00012200
MF M17 unassigned family M17 unassigned peptidases MER0317618 pepA HIMB5_00002990
MG M24 unassigned subfamily M24A unassigned peptidases MER0674111
MH M20 non-peptidase homologue family M20 non-peptidase homologues MER0850962 HIMB5_00004650
MH M20 unassigned subfamily M20A unassigned peptidases MER0850351 dapE
MH M20 unassigned family M20 unassigned peptidases MER0400695 HIMB5_00009670
MJ M19 non-peptidase homologue family M19 non-peptidase homologues MER0324245 HIMB5_00009150
MM M50 unassigned subfamily M50B unassigned peptidases MER0896394 HIMB5_00004750
MU M103 M103.001 TldD peptidase (Escherichia coli) MER0149790 HIMB5_00000860
MU M103 M103.UNW family M103 non-peptidase homologues MER0123093 HIMB5_00000870
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1B unassigned peptidases MER0965796 HIMB5_00010260
PB T1 unassigned subfamily T1A unassigned peptidases MER1089303 hslV
PE T5 unassigned family T5 unassigned peptidases MER1102047 argJ
SC S9 unassigned subfamily S9A unassigned peptidases MER0993305 HIMB5_00000780
SC S15 non-peptidase homologue family S15 non-peptidase homologues MER1023489 HIMB5_00003200
SE S11 unassigned family S11 unassigned peptidases MER0979871 HIMB5_00006550
SF S24 S24.001 repressor LexA MER0418204 lexA HIMB5_00005780
SF S24 S24.003 UmuD protein MER0413797 HIMB5_00002280
SF S26 S26.001 signal peptidase I MER0286404 HIMB5_00007120
SJ S16 S16.001 Lon-A peptidase MER0349054 lon HIMB5_00005380
SK S14 unassigned family S14 unassigned peptidases MER1012295 clpP
SK S41 S41.004 C-terminal processing peptidase-3 MER0305990 HIMB5_00000300
SK S49 unassigned subfamily S49B unassigned peptidases MER1070247 HIMB5_00010390