Halorubrum lacusprofundi

Taxonomy database identifier: 2247
Superkingdom Archaea
Phylum Euryarchaeota
Class Halobacteria
Order Halobacteriales
Family Halobacteriaceae
Genus Halorubrum
Species lacusprofundi
Inhibitor View inhibitor sequences from Halorubrum lacusprofundi
Count of known and putative inhibitors: 2, non-peptidase homologues: 0
Completely sequences genomes from subspecies and strains Protein coding genes

To show all strains with completely sequenced genomes, click here.

Clan Family MEROPS ID Peptidase or homologue (subtype) MERNUM Gene Link Locus Megabases
I- I22 unassigned family I22 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0141495 Hlac_1289
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0805310 Hlac_0606
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0791757 Hlac_2641
IA I8 unassigned family I8 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0504939
ID I4 unassigned family I4 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0155351 Hlac_3278
JE I51 unassigned family I51 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0155352 Hlac_3483

GENOME ANALYSIS: Comparison with 9 completely sequenced genomes from family Halobacteriaceae
Family Comment