Shigella sonnei

Taxonomy database identifier: 624
Superkingdom Bacteria
Phylum Proteobacteria
Class Gammaproteobacteria
Order Enterobacteriales
Family Enterobacteriaceae
Genus Shigella
Species sonnei
Inhibitor View inhibitor sequences from Shigella sonnei
Count of known and putative inhibitors: 1, non-peptidase homologues: 2
Completely sequences genomes from subspecies and strains Protein coding genes

To show all strains with completely sequenced genomes, click here.

Clan Family MEROPS ID Peptidase or homologue (subtype) MERNUM Gene Link Locus Megabases
I- I87 I87.001 HflC MER0167490 hflC SSMOSELEY_5471
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0803873 qmcA
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0794575 hflK
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0792549 SSMOSELEY_0709/ybbK
IL I39 I39.008 ECAM protein (Escherichia coli) MER0057948 SSON_2602
IL I39 unassigned family I39 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0775775 yfaS
IN I11 I11.001 ecotin MER0057942 eco SSON_2267
JE I51 unassigned family I51 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0787635 ybcL
JE I51 unassigned family I51 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0785059 SSMOSELEY_1031/ybhB

GENOME ANALYSIS: Comparison with 111 completely sequenced genomes from family Enterobacteriaceae
Family Comment