Klebsiella pneumoniae

Taxonomy database identifier: 573
Superkingdom Bacteria
Phylum Proteobacteria
Class Gammaproteobacteria
Order Enterobacteriales
Family Enterobacteriaceae
Species pneumoniae
Genus Klebsiella
Inhibitor View inhibitor sequences from Klebsiella pneumoniae
Count of known and putative inhibitors: 4, non-peptidase homologues: 3
Completely sequences genomes from subspecies and strains Protein coding genes

To show all strains with completely sequenced genomes, click here.

Clan Family MEROPS ID Peptidase or homologue (subtype) MERNUM Gene Link Locus Megabases
I- I87 I87.001 HflC MER0220731 KPNIH1_21153
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0792761 KPLM21_430048
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0805822 MC50_10495/SEEE5646_20346
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0798252 MC50_14340
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0800170 KPNJ1_05059/KPNJ2_05005
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0798609 KPNIH27_10860
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0792350 hflK/KPNIH27_02130/L390_03561/SR41_06005/UUU_01650
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0800115 ybbK
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0795898 BLGT_07300
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0802698 L425_04416
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0795095 MA13_contig000/MA13_contig00002-0027/Sputcn32_3278
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0793356 HMPREF1619_03274/KPNIH27_05930/TUZN_0457/UUU_/ybbK
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0802849 A13A_00475
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0801800 Pgy4_01805
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0797128 G5I_04979
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0805567 HAL1_13676
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0793605 AKAW_06703/KPNJ1_03164/KPNJ2_03156/VIT_01s0026g016
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0795405 LA59_04930
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0798582 cce_1112/RAT170B_0396
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0803266 CLD_A0189/N799_08240/R50912_13330
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0807469 Bamb_4388
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0795230 B437_00900
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0791747 K/KP700603_15044/KPNJ2_04172/L390_04303/L425_00249
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0792783 hflK/KP700603_22353/P821_05034
IL I39 I39.008 ECAM protein (Escherichia coli) MER0094920 KPK_1269
IL I39 unassigned family I39 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0774473 HMPREF9135_0117
IN I11 I11.001 ecotin MER0123186 eco KPNIH20_00600
JE I51 unassigned family I51 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0786203 MC50_17150
JE I51 unassigned family I51 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0785436 MC50_16080
JE I51 unassigned family I51 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0134332 KPK_3572
JE I51 unassigned family I51 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0134337 ybhB KP1_1748
JE I51 unassigned family I51 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0787230 L425_00779
JE I51 unassigned family I51 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0787073 H785_YJM1208L05016
JE I51 unassigned family I51 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0784572 FT2
JL I42 unassigned family I42 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0134294 KPK_4422

GENOME ANALYSIS: Comparison with 111 completely sequenced genomes from family Enterobacteriaceae
Family Comment
I42 significant presence (1 homologues)