Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans

Taxonomy database identifier: 714
Superkingdom Bacteria
Phylum Proteobacteria
Class Gammaproteobacteria
Order Pasteurellales
Family Pasteurellaceae
Genus Aggregatibacter
Species actinomycetemcomitans
Peptidase View peptidase sequences from Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans
Count of known and putative peptidases: 100, non-peptidase homologues 31
Completely sequences genomes from subspecies and strains Protein coding genes

To show all strains with completely sequenced genomes, click here.

Clan Family MEROPS ID Peptidase or homologue (subtype) MERNUM Gene Link Locus Megabases
A- A39 non-peptidase homologue family A39 non-peptidase homologues MER1381755
A- A39 non-peptidase homologue family A39 non-peptidase homologues MER1371539
A- A39 non-peptidase homologue family A39 non-peptidase homologues MER1370643
A- A39 unassigned family A39 unassigned peptidases MER1376023
AC A8 A08.001 signal peptidase II MER1154986
AC A8 A08.001 signal peptidase II MER1152447
AC A8 A08.001 signal peptidase II MER1152581
AC A8 A08.001 signal peptidase II MER1155112
AC A8 A08.001 signal peptidase II MER0147127 lspA SCC2302_2251
AD A24 A24.019 ComC peptidase MER0193100 RHAA1_04351
AD A24 A24.019 ComC peptidase MER0031172 pilD D18P1_0460
AD A24 A24.019 ComC peptidase MER0282220 ANH9381_0262
AD A24 unassigned subfamily A24A unassigned peptidases MER0001688
AD A24 unassigned subfamily A24B unassigned peptidases MER0069016 tadV H5P1_0851
AD A24 unassigned subfamily A24B unassigned peptidases MER0426878 SCC1398_0196
AD A24 unassigned subfamily A24B unassigned peptidases MER0426893 RHAA1_06488
AE A31 A31.001 HybD peptidase MER0231115 SC1083_0903
AE A31 A31.003 HycI peptidase MER0193087 hycI D11S_1747
CA C39 non-peptidase homologue family C39 non-peptidase homologues MER0002034 lktB
CA C51 C51.A01 fused glutathionylspermidine amidase/glutathionylspermidine synthetase (Escherichia coli) MER0193030 D11S_0204
CO C40 C40.004 spr peptidase MER0193071 SCC2302_0999
CO C40 C40.004 spr peptidase MER0453505
CO C40 C40.004 spr peptidase MER0193049 D11S_0930
MA M1 M01.005 alanyl aminopeptidase (bacterial-type) MER0185573 pepN D11S_1339
MA M3 M03.004 oligopeptidase A MER0191910 SCC393_2776
MA M3 M03.004 oligopeptidase A MER0820305 SCC393_2775
MA M3 M03.004 oligopeptidase A MER1185209
MA M41 M41.001 FtsH peptidase MER0193076 ftsH D11S_1444
MA M41 M41.001 FtsH peptidase MER0363747
MA M48 M48.002 HtpX peptidase MER0349468 SCC393_0310
MA M48 M48.002 HtpX peptidase MER0193072 htpX D11S_1367
MA M48 unassigned subfamily M48C unassigned peptidases MER0193029 D11S_0154
MD M15 non-peptidase homologue family M15 non-peptidase homologues MER0193088 D11S_1757
MD M15 unassigned family M15 unassigned peptidases MER0193047 D11S_0798
MD M15 unassigned family M15 unassigned peptidases MER0837180 RHAA1_06318/SC1083_1197
MD M74 M74.001 murein endopeptidase MER0193081 D11S_1612
MD M74 unassigned family M74 unassigned peptidases MER1262478
ME M16 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M16B non-peptidase homologues MER0470957 SCC2302_0623
ME M16 unassigned subfamily M16B unassigned peptidases MER0193083 SCC2302_0624
MF M17 M17.003 PepA aminopeptidase MER0193056 pepA SC1083_0999
MF M17 M17.004 PepB aminopeptidase MER0193048 SC1083_0158
MF M17 unassigned family M17 unassigned peptidases MER0471485 I23C_1240
MG M24 M24.001 methionyl aminopeptidase 1 (Escherichia-type) MER0193079 D11S_1553
MG M24 M24.001 methionyl aminopeptidase 1 (Escherichia-type) MER0396091 SCC393_1266
MG M24 M24.004 aminopeptidase P (bacteria) MER0193038 D11S_0408
MG M24 unassigned subfamily M24A unassigned peptidases MER0064933
MH M20 M20.003 peptidase T MER0193091 SCC2302_0470
MH M20 M20.007 Xaa-His dipeptidase MER0193044 D11S_0733
MH M20 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M20B non-peptidase homologues MER0371033 I23C_0991
MH M20 unassigned subfamily M20A unassigned peptidases MER0193046 dapE D17P3_1919
MH M20 unassigned subfamily M20A unassigned peptidases MER0474755 dapE RHAA1_06323
MH M20 unassigned subfamily M20C unassigned peptidases MER0648067
MJ M38 non-peptidase homologue family M38 non-peptidase homologues MER0193080 D11S_1578
MM M50 M50.004 RseP peptidase MER0896863 I23C_0327
MM M50 unassigned subfamily M50B unassigned peptidases MER0193034 D11S_0247
MO M23 M23.011 YebA peptidase MER0193058 SCC393_1016
MO M23 M23.950 YibP g.p. (Escherichia sp.) MER0478486 SC1083_2017
MO M23 M23.950 YibP g.p. (Escherichia sp.) MER0478713 SCC2302_2047
MO M23 M23.950 YibP g.p. (Escherichia sp.) MER0282329 I63B_1821
MO M23 non-peptidase homologue subfamily M23B non-peptidase homologues MER0193036 D11S_0376
MU M103 M103.001 TldD peptidase (Escherichia coli) MER0147763 SCC393_0548
MU M103 M103.UNW family M103 non-peptidase homologues MER0112054 SCC393_0846
PA S1 S01.275 DegS peptidase MER0193057 D11S_1107
PA S1 unassigned subfamily S1C unassigned peptidases MER0193060 D18P1_1326
PB C44 non-peptidase homologue family C44 non-peptidase homologues MER0193043 glmS RHAA1_06
PB T1 T01.006 HslV component of HslUV peptidase MER0193028 hslV D17P2_1945
PB T3 T03.001 gamma-glutamyltransferase 1 (bacterial-type) MER0379808 I23C_1084
PB T3 T03.001 gamma-glutamyltransferase 1 (bacterial-type) MER0193059 I23C_1085
PC C26 C26.957 GMP synthase MER0193061 guaA SCC393_2576
PC C26 C26.960 TrpD protein (anthranilate synthase component II) MER0439850 SC1083_0891
PC C26 C26.960 TrpD protein (anthranilate synthase component II) MER0193073 RHAA1_01229
PC C26 C26.964 CTP synthetase MER0193040 pyrG SCC393_0070
PC C26 C26.965 imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase subunit HisH MER0443980 hisH SC1083_1123
PC C26 non-peptidase homologue family C26 non-peptidase homologues MER0442501 D17P2_0078
PC C26 unassigned family C26 unassigned peptidases MER0440631 SC1083_0343
PC C26 unassigned family C26 unassigned peptidases MER0193052 D7S_02329
PC C26 unassigned family C26 unassigned peptidases MER0440096 RHAA1_07436
PC S51 S51.001 dipeptidase E MER0193074 SCC1398_1444
PC S51 unassigned family S51 unassigned peptidases MER1350602
SC S9 S09.940 S-formylglutathione hydrolase FrmB (Escherichi coli) MER0193039 D11S_0482
SC S9 non-peptidase homologue family S9 non-peptidase homologues MER0193022 D11S_0035
SC S9 non-peptidase homologue family S9 non-peptidase homologues MER0193042 D11S_0680
SC S9 unassigned family S9 unassigned peptidases MER0193021 D11S_0033
SC S15 non-peptidase homologue family S15 non-peptidase homologues MER1019597 D17P3_1526/D7S_00992/S23A_1333
SC S33 non-peptidase homologue family S33 non-peptidase homologues MER0193035 D11S_0360
SC S33 unassigned family S33 unassigned peptidases MER0193065 metX D11S_1250
SC S33 unassigned family S33 unassigned peptidases MER0193082 D11S_1617
SC S33 unassigned family S33 unassigned peptidases MER0193097 D11S_2020
SE S11 S11.002 murein-DD-endopeptidase MER0193067 I23C_2114
SE S11 non-peptidase homologue family S11 non-peptidase homologues MER0971412 CF65_02101
SE S11 unassigned family S11 unassigned peptidases MER0193105 D11S_2140
SE S13 S13.001 D-Ala-D-Ala peptidase C MER0193053 D7S_2278
SE S13 unassigned family S13 unassigned peptidases MER1313197
SF S24 S24.001 repressor LexA MER0193037 lexA D7S_0873
SF S24 non-peptidase homologue family S24 non-peptidase homologues MER0193050 D11S_0939
SF S24 unassigned family S24 unassigned peptidases MER1038270 CF65_01906/SCC1398_0896
SF S24 unassigned family S24 unassigned peptidases MER1041392 SCC1398_1046
SF S24 unassigned family S24 unassigned peptidases MER0193020 D11S_0006
SF S24 unassigned family S24 unassigned peptidases MER1041663 SC1083_1049
SF S24 unassigned family S24 unassigned peptidases MER1045488 RHAA1_08338
SF S24 unassigned family S24 unassigned peptidases MER1040231 RHAA1_10971
SF S24 unassigned family S24 unassigned peptidases MER1328335
SF S26 S26.001 signal peptidase I MER0157621 D7S_2014
SF S26 S26.001 signal peptidase I MER0157870 S23A_0484
SF S26 unassigned subfamily S26A unassigned peptidases MER1333228
SJ S16 S16.001 Lon-A peptidase MER0193077 lon SCC393_1479
SJ S16 S16.A04 DNA repair protein RadA (Escherichia coli) MER0193092 D11S_1776
SJ S16 S16.A10 ycbZ (Escherichia coli) MER0193075 D11S_1429
SJ S16 non-peptidase homologue family S16 non-peptidase homologues MER0193026 D11S_0120
SJ S16 unassigned family S16 unassigned peptidases MER1322358
SJ S16 unassigned family S16 unassigned peptidases MER1324464
SK S14 S14.001 peptidase Clp (type 1) MER0193098 clpP D7S_1731
SK S14 unassigned family S14 unassigned peptidases MER1316845
SK S41 S41.001 C-terminal processing peptidase-1 MER0085358 D18P1_1793
SK S41 unassigned subfamily S41A unassigned peptidases MER0152603 SCC2302_0477
SK S41 unassigned subfamily S41A unassigned peptidases MER1348453
SK S41 unassigned subfamily S41A unassigned peptidases MER1345573
SK S49 unassigned subfamily S49A unassigned peptidases MER1056485
SK S49 unassigned subfamily S49B unassigned peptidases MER0193066 D11S_1267
SK S49 unassigned subfamily S49B unassigned peptidases MER0193062 D17P2_0998
ST S54 unassigned family S54 unassigned peptidases MER0193033 D11S_0234
ST S54 unassigned family S54 unassigned peptidases MER1078217 RHAA1_08133/SC1083_0130
U- U32 U32.002 collagenase (Helicobacter-type) MER0193093 D11S_1802

GENOME ANALYSIS: Comparison with 28 completely sequenced genomes from family Pasteurellaceae
Family Comment
A24 lineage specific expansion (7 homologues)
A39 significant presence (4 homologues)
C26 lineage specific expansion (9 homologues)
C51 significant presence (1 homologues)
S15 significant presence (1 homologues)