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Summary for inhibitor I01.964: PAPI-I protein unit 3 (Pacifastacus leniusculus)

Summary Alignment Tree Sequences Sequence features Distribution


MEROPS NamePAPI-I protein unit 3 (Pacifastacus leniusculus)
Domain architecture
MEROPS Classification
Parent I01.964 is one peptidase unit of the compound peptidase LI01.009. Other units of LI01.009 are I01.039, I01.965, I01.963
Classification Clan IA >> Subclan (none) >> Family I1 >> Subfamily (none) >> I01.964
HolotypePAPI-I protein unit 3 (Pacifastacus leniusculus) (inhibitor unit: 122-170), MERNUM MER0027635
History Identifier created: MEROPS 7.1 (26 July 2005)