CHEBI:33832 - organic cyclic compound

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name organic cyclic compound
Definition Any organic molecule that consists of atoms connected in the form of a ring.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing organic cyclic compound (CHEBI:33832) is a cyclic compound (CHEBI:33595)
organic cyclic compound (CHEBI:33832) is a organic molecule (CHEBI:72695)
Incoming carbocyclic compound (CHEBI:33598) is a organic cyclic compound (CHEBI:33832)
fulvenes (CHEBI:51998) is a organic cyclic compound (CHEBI:33832)
nucleobase analogue (CHEBI:67142) is a organic cyclic compound (CHEBI:33832)
organic aromatic compound (CHEBI:33659) is a organic cyclic compound (CHEBI:33832)
organic heterocyclic compound (CHEBI:24532) is a organic cyclic compound (CHEBI:33832)
organic polycyclic compound (CHEBI:51958) is a organic cyclic compound (CHEBI:33832)
Synonym Source
organic cyclic compounds ChEBI
Last Modified
07 March 2013