CHEBI:52357 - chlorine dioxide

Main ChEBI Ontology Automatic Xrefs Reactions Pathways Models
ChEBI Name chlorine dioxide
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
Formula ClO2
Net Charge 0
Average Mass 67.452
Monoisotopic Mass 66.95868
Roles Classification
Application(s): bleaching agent
A reagent that lightens or whitens a substrate through chemical reaction. Bleaching reactions usually involve oxidative or reductive processes that degrade colour systems. Bleaching can occur by destroying one or more of the double bonds in the conjugated chain, by cleaving the conjugated chain, or by oxidation of one of the other moieties in the conjugated chain. Their reactivity results in many bleaches having strong bactericidal, disinfecting, and sterilising properties.
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ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing chlorine dioxide (CHEBI:52357) has role bleaching agent (CHEBI:132717)
chlorine dioxide (CHEBI:52357) is a chlorine oxide (CHEBI:37750)
chlorine dioxide (CHEBI:52357) is a inorganic radical (CHEBI:36871)
Incoming chloridodioxygen(•) (CHEBI:29414) is a chlorine dioxide (CHEBI:52357)
dioxidochlorine(•) (CHEBI:29415) is a chlorine dioxide (CHEBI:52357)
dioxygen chloride
Synonym Source
Last Modified
18 July 2016