Source Name Comment [Sample_description] Comment [Sample_source_name] Comment [Sample_title] Characteristics [cell type] Characteristics [genotype] Characteristics [organism] Term Source REF Term Accession Number Characteristics [strain or line] Term Source REF Term Accession Number Protocol REF Term Source REF Protocol REF Term Source REF Protocol REF Term Source REF Extract Name Material Type Protocol REF Term Source REF Labeled Extract Name Label Protocol REF Term Source REF Assay Name Array Design REF Term Source REF Technology Type Protocol REF Term Source REF Array Data File Comment [ArrayExpress FTP file] Protocol REF Term Source REF Normalization Name Derived Array Data File Comment [Derived ArrayExpress FTP file] FactorValue [GENOTYPE] GSM1095904 1 Gene expression data from sorted mouse bone marrow cells transduced with IDH1mut vector sorted mouse bone marrow cells IDH1mut replicate 3 sorted mouse bone marrow cells IDH1mut Mus musculus EFO C57BL6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE45019-2 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-3 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-4 ArrayExpress GSM1095904 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE45019-5 ArrayExpress GSM1095904 LE 1 biotin P-GSE45019-6 ArrayExpress GSM1095904 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress array assay P-GSE45019-7 ArrayExpress GSM1095904_Heuser1009_Mouse430_2_.CEL P-GSE45019-1 ArrayExpress GSM1095904_sample_table.txt norm GSM1095904_sample_table.txt IDH1mut GSM1095903 1 Gene expression data from sorted mouse bone marrow cells transduced with IDH1mut vector sorted mouse bone marrow cells IDH1mut replicate 2 sorted mouse bone marrow cells IDH1mut Mus musculus EFO C57BL6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE45019-2 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-3 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-4 ArrayExpress GSM1095903 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE45019-5 ArrayExpress GSM1095903 LE 1 biotin P-GSE45019-6 ArrayExpress GSM1095903 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress array assay P-GSE45019-7 ArrayExpress GSM1095903_Heuser1008_Mouse430_2_.CEL P-GSE45019-1 ArrayExpress GSM1095903_sample_table.txt norm GSM1095903_sample_table.txt IDH1mut GSM1095902 1 Gene expression data from sorted mouse bone marrow cells transduced with IDH1mut vector sorted mouse bone marrow cells IDH1mut replicate 1 sorted mouse bone marrow cells IDH1mut Mus musculus EFO C57BL6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE45019-2 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-3 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-4 ArrayExpress GSM1095902 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE45019-5 ArrayExpress GSM1095902 LE 1 biotin P-GSE45019-6 ArrayExpress GSM1095902 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress array assay P-GSE45019-7 ArrayExpress GSM1095902_Heuser1007_Mouse430_2_.CEL P-GSE45019-1 ArrayExpress GSM1095902_sample_table.txt norm GSM1095902_sample_table.txt IDH1mut GSM1095901 1 Gene expression data from sorted mouse bone marrow cells transduced with IDH1wt vector sorted mouse bone marrow cells IDH1wt replicate 3 sorted mouse bone marrow cells IDH1wt Mus musculus EFO C57BL6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE45019-2 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-3 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-4 ArrayExpress GSM1095901 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE45019-5 ArrayExpress GSM1095901 LE 1 biotin P-GSE45019-6 ArrayExpress GSM1095901 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress array assay P-GSE45019-7 ArrayExpress GSM1095901_Heuser1006_Mouse430_2_.CEL P-GSE45019-1 ArrayExpress GSM1095901_sample_table.txt norm GSM1095901_sample_table.txt IDH1wt GSM1095900 1 Gene expression data from sorted mouse bone marrow cells transduced with IDH1wt vector sorted mouse bone marrow cells IDH1wt replicate 2 sorted mouse bone marrow cells IDH1wt Mus musculus EFO C57BL6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE45019-2 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-3 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-4 ArrayExpress GSM1095900 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE45019-5 ArrayExpress GSM1095900 LE 1 biotin P-GSE45019-6 ArrayExpress GSM1095900 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress array assay P-GSE45019-7 ArrayExpress GSM1095900_Heuser1005_Mouse430_2_.CEL P-GSE45019-1 ArrayExpress GSM1095900_sample_table.txt norm GSM1095900_sample_table.txt IDH1wt GSM1095899 1 Gene expression data from sorted mouse bone marrow cells transduced with IDH1wt vector sorted mouse bone marrow cells IDH1wt replicate 1 sorted mouse bone marrow cells IDH1wt Mus musculus EFO C57BL6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE45019-2 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-3 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-4 ArrayExpress GSM1095899 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE45019-5 ArrayExpress GSM1095899 LE 1 biotin P-GSE45019-6 ArrayExpress GSM1095899 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress array assay P-GSE45019-7 ArrayExpress GSM1095899_Heuser1004_Mouse430_2_.CEL P-GSE45019-1 ArrayExpress GSM1095899_sample_table.txt norm GSM1095899_sample_table.txt IDH1wt GSM1095898 1 Gene expression data from sorted mouse bone marrow cells transduced with EGFP control vector sorted mouse bone marrow cells CTL replicate 3 sorted mouse bone marrow cells CTL Mus musculus EFO C57BL6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE45019-2 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-3 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-4 ArrayExpress GSM1095898 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE45019-5 ArrayExpress GSM1095898 LE 1 biotin P-GSE45019-6 ArrayExpress GSM1095898 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress array assay P-GSE45019-7 ArrayExpress GSM1095898_Heuser1003_Mouse430_2_.CEL P-GSE45019-1 ArrayExpress GSM1095898_sample_table.txt norm GSM1095898_sample_table.txt CTL GSM1095897 1 Gene expression data from sorted mouse bone marrow cells transduced with EGFP control vector sorted mouse bone marrow cells CTL replicate 2 sorted mouse bone marrow cells CTL Mus musculus EFO C57BL6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE45019-2 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-3 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-4 ArrayExpress GSM1095897 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE45019-5 ArrayExpress GSM1095897 LE 1 biotin P-GSE45019-6 ArrayExpress GSM1095897 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress array assay P-GSE45019-7 ArrayExpress GSM1095897_Heuser1002_Mouse430_2_.CEL P-GSE45019-1 ArrayExpress GSM1095897_sample_table.txt norm GSM1095897_sample_table.txt CTL GSM1095896 1 Gene expression data from sorted mouse bone marrow cells transduced with EGFP control vector sorted mouse bone marrow cells CTL replicate 1 sorted mouse bone marrow cells CTL Mus musculus EFO C57BL6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE45019-2 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-3 ArrayExpress P-GSE45019-4 ArrayExpress GSM1095896 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE45019-5 ArrayExpress GSM1095896 LE 1 biotin P-GSE45019-6 ArrayExpress GSM1095896 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress array assay P-GSE45019-7 ArrayExpress GSM1095896_Heuser1001_Mouse430_2_.CEL P-GSE45019-1 ArrayExpress GSM1095896_sample_table.txt norm GSM1095896_sample_table.txt CTL