Comment[ArrayExpressAccession] E-GEOD-42833 MAGE-TAB Version 1.1 Public Release Date 2013-03-23 Investigation Title Analysis of transcriptional response to mutated Potyvirus Potato virus A that induces necrotic symptoms. Comment[Submitted Name] Analysis of transcriptional response to mutated Potyvirus Potato virus A that induces necrotic symptoms. Experiment Description Mutations introduced to a highly variable region in HCpro reduced HCpro-HIP2 interactions and virulence of PVA, and induced novel types of necrotic symptoms in the systemically infected leaves of Nicotiana species. Microarray-based analysis of gene expression revealed induction of large numbers of defence-related genes including jasmonic acid and ethylene inducible pathways in the leaves systemically infected by the mutated PVA. Three treaments: infection with wild type PVA (WT), infection with mutated PVA (MUT), and mock-inoculation (Mock). Six plants were treated for each treatment. Experiment was repeated three times. WT and MUT samples from all three experiments were hybridised on microarray. Mock samples from experiments 1 and 2 were hybridised as healthy controls. Term Source Name ArrayExpress EFO Term Source File Person Last Name Haikonen Haikonen Rajamaki Tian Valkonen Person First Name Tuuli Tuuli Minna-Liisa Yan-Ping Jari Person Mid Initials P Person Email Person Affiliation University of Helsinki Person Address Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Latokartanonkaari 7, Helsinki, Finland Person Roles submitter Protocol Name P-GSE42833-1 P-GSE42833-6 P-GSE42833-3 P-GSE42833-8 P-GSE42833-7 P-GSE42833-2 P-GSE42833-4 P-GSE42833-5 Protocol Description ID_REF = VALUE = normalized log2 intensities Labeled samples were combined pairwise, fragmented and hybridised to subarrays of tobacco 4x44K 60mer oligo array (Agilent, design ID 021113) according to instructions of Gene expression hybridisation kit (Agilent). During hybridisation, the array was rotated at 10rpm at +65C for 17h. Slide was washed with Gene expression wash buffers 1 and 2 (Agilent) with triton-X102 added. Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun nn were grown from seeds and planted in soil prepared by mixing peat (KekkilM-CM-$ Horticulture Peat, KekkilM-CM-$ Oyj, Finland) and washed sand at 5:1 ratio (v/v) . Plants were grown in growth rooms (photoperiod 16 h, temperature 18/22M-0C, relative humidity 70%; light intensity 200 M-NM-