ID Y09110; SV 1; linear; genomic RNA; STD; VRL; 758 BP. XX AC Y09110; XX DT 01-NOV-1996 (Rel. 49, Created) DT 01-NOV-1996 (Rel. 49, Last updated, Version 1) XX DE Alfalfa mosaic viru gene encoding coat protein XX KW capsid protein. XX OS Alfalfa mosaic virus OC Viruses; Riboviria; Bromoviridae; Alfamovirus. XX RN [1] RA Finetti Sialer M., Di Franco A., Gallitelli D.; RT "Infezioni del Virus del Mosaico dell'erba Medica su pomodoro in puglia"; RL Unpublished. XX RN [2] RP 1-758 RA Finetti Sialer M.; RT ; RL Submitted (29-OCT-1996) to the INSDC. RL M. Finetti Sialer, Univ. of Bari, Dipartimento di protezione delle piante., RL Via Amendola 165/A, I- 70126 Bari, ITALY XX DR MD5; 7164e3df54309601f2cc05771f5606fc. DR EuropePMC; PMC4174816; 25288969. DR RFAM; RF00252; Alfamo_CPB. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..758 FT /organism="Alfalfa mosaic virus" FT /host="Lycopersicon esculentum" FT /lab_host="Nicotiana glutinoas" FT /strain="Danza" FT /mol_type="genomic RNA" FT /db_xref="taxon:12321" FT CDS 7..672 FT /product="capsid protein" FT /db_xref="GOA:Q96616" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR002681" FT /db_xref="UniProtKB/TrEMBL:Q96616" FT /protein_id="CAA70327.1" FT /translation="MSSSQKKAGGKAGKPTKRSQNYAALRKAQLPKPPALKVPVVKPTN FT TILPQTGCVWQSLGTPLSLSSFNGLGVRFLYSFLKDFAGPRILEEDLIYRMVFSITPSH FT AGTFCLTDDVTTEDGRAVAHGNPMQEFPQGVFHANEKFGFELVFTAPTHAGMQNQNFKH FT SYAVALCLDFDAQPEGSKNPSYRFNEVWVERKAFPRAGPLRSLITVGLLDEADDLDRH" XX SQ Sequence 758 BP; 180 A; 189 C; 195 G; 194 T; 0 other; tccatcatga gttcttcaca aaagaaagct ggtgggaaag ctggtaaacc tactaaacgt 60 tctcagaact atgctgcctt gcgcaaagct caactgccga agcctccggc gttgaaagtc 120 ccggttgtaa aaccgacgaa tactatactg ccacagacgg gctgcgtgtg gcaaagcctc 180 gggacccctc tgagtctgag ctcttttaat gggctcggcg tgagattcct ctacagtttt 240 ctgaaggatt tcgcgggacc tcggatcctc gaagaggatc tgatttacag gatggtgttt 300 tccataacac cgtcccatgc cggcaccttt tgtctcactg atgacgtgac gactgaggat 360 ggtagggccg ttgcgcatgg taatcccatg caggaatttc ctcaaggcgt gtttcacgct 420 aatgagaagt tcgggtttga gttggtcttc acagctccta cccatgcggg aatgcaaaat 480 caaaatttca agcattccta tgccgtagcc ctctgtctgg acttcgacgc gcagcctgag 540 ggatctaaaa atccctcata ccgattcaac gaagtttggg tcgagagaaa ggcgttcccg 600 cgagcagggc ccctccgcag tttgattact gtggggctgc tcgacgaagc tgacgatctt 660 gatcgtcatt gacgtacccc attaatttgg gatgctaaag tcatttaatg ctgacctcca 720 ctgggtggat taaggtcaag gtatgaagtc ctgaattc 758 //