ID JX961557; SV 1; linear; genomic RNA; STD; VRL; 720 BP. XX AC JX961557; XX DT 16-DEC-2012 (Rel. 115, Created) DT 16-DEC-2012 (Rel. 115, Last updated, Version 1) XX DE Rice yellow mottle virus isolate Mg46 coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds. XX KW . XX OS Rice yellow mottle virus OC Viruses; Riboviria; Solemoviridae; Sobemovirus. XX RN [1] RC Publication Status: Available-Online prior to print RP 1-720 RX PUBMED; 23123216. RA Rakotomalala M., Pinel-Galzi A., Mpunami A., Randrianasolo A., RA Ramavovololona P., Rabenantoandro Y., Fargette D.; RT "Rice yellow mottle virus in Madagascar and in the Zanzibar Archipelago; RT Island systems and evolutionary time scale to study virus emergence"; RL Virus Res. 0:0(2012). XX RN [2] RP 1-720 RA Rakotomalala M., Pinel-Galzi A., Mpunami A., Randrianasolo A., RA Ramavovololona P., Rabenantoandro Y., Fargette D.; RT ; RL Submitted (11-OCT-2012) to the INSDC. RL RPB, IRD, 911 av Agropolis BP 64501, Monptellier 34080, France XX DR MD5; 50aad119b7fd60742b83417f72e6ee6d. XX CC ##Assembly-Data-START## CC Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing CC ##Assembly-Data-END## XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..720 FT /organism="Rice yellow mottle virus" FT /host="Oryza sativa" FT /isolate="Mg46" FT /mol_type="genomic RNA" FT /country="Madagascar" FT /collection_date="2003" FT /db_xref="taxon:31744" FT gene 1..720 FT /gene="CP" FT CDS 1..720 FT /codon_start=1 FT /gene="CP" FT /product="coat protein" FT /db_xref="GOA:L0AN85" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR000937" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR029053" FT /db_xref="UniProtKB/TrEMBL:L0AN85" FT /protein_id="AFZ75340.1" FT /translation="MGRKGKKINSNQGQQGKKKSRRPRGRSAEPQLQRAPVAQASRVSG FT TVPGPLSSNTWPVHSVEFLMDFKRSATSADAVTFNCVPFNLPRVWSLARCYSLWKPTRW FT DVVYLPEVSAATAGSIEMCYLYDYADAIPSDTGKMSRTAGFVTSSVWYGAEGCHLLNGG FT SARNAVVASMDCSRVGWRRVTSSIPSSVDPNVVNTILPARLAVRSSIKPTVDDVPGKLY FT AIVSMVLRDPVDPTLNT" XX SQ Sequence 720 BP; 153 A; 184 C; 221 G; 162 T; 0 other; atgggcagga agggcaagaa aatcaactcc aaccagggcc agcaaggcaa gaagaagagc 60 cgacgccctc gtgggcgttc ggcggagccc cagcttcaac gggctccagt ggctcaggcg 120 tcccgggtat ctgggacggt tcctggacca ctatcttcta atacctggcc ggtccactcc 180 gtggaattcc tgatggattt taagcggagt gccacatcgg cggatgcggt aacatttaat 240 tgtgtgccgt ttaatctgcc tcgggtgtgg agtcttgcac gttgttactc gctgtggaag 300 ccaacacggt gggatgtagt ttacctcccc gaggtgagcg cggcgacggc tggaagtatc 360 gagatgtgtt atctctacga ctatgccgat gctatcccaa gtgacacggg caagatgagc 420 aggacggcgg gcttcgtcac ctctagcgtt tggtacggcg cggagggctg ccatttgttg 480 aatggcggtt cagcacggaa tgccgtggtc gcctcgatgg attgctctcg agtcggctgg 540 agacgcgtaa ctagttcaat tcctagtagc gtggatccca acgtcgtaaa taccatattg 600 ccagcaaggc tagctgtgcg gtcgtcaatc aaaccgacgg tcgatgatgt gccggggaaa 660 ctctatgcca tcgtcagtat ggtcctgcgg gatccggttg atccaacact caatacgtga 720 //