ID D00721; SV 1; linear; genomic RNA; STD; VRL; 457 BP. XX AC D00721; XX DT 04-SEP-1992 (Rel. 33, Created) DT 15-DEC-2007 (Rel. 94, Last updated, Version 8) XX DE Chicory yellow mottle virus satellite RNA gene for hypothetical protein, DE complete cds. XX KW . XX OS Chicory yellow mottle virus satellite RNA OC Viruses; Satellites; RNA satellites; Single stranded RNA satellites; OC unclassified Single stranded RNA satellites. XX RN [1] RP 1-457 RX PUBMED; 1698918. RA Rubino L., Tousignant M.E., Steger G., Kaper J.M.; RT "Nucleotide sequence and structural analysis of two satellite RNAs RT associated with chicory yellow mottle virus"; RL J. Gen. Virol. 71:1897-1903(1990). XX DR MD5; d695854b730be26f728361f9259419a8. DR RFAM; RF00173; Hairpin. XX CC These data kindly submitted in computer readable form by: CC Luisa Rubino CC Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CC Via Amendola 165/A CC 70126 Bari CC Italy CC The plus strand is shown here. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..457 FT /organism="Chicory yellow mottle virus satellite RNA" FT /mol_type="genomic RNA" FT /note="satellite RNA S1" FT /db_xref="taxon:192022" FT misc_structure 1..46 FT /note="hammerhead structure" FT regulatory complement(39..54) FT /note="self-cleavage consensus sequence" FT /regulatory_class="other" FT CDS 224..376 FT /codon_start=1 FT /product="hypothetical protein" FT /note="ORF" FT /db_xref="UniProtKB/TrEMBL:Q66094" FT /protein_id="BAA00623.1" FT /translation="MQTGANHTRMVPDNIPHMVCFPGALRCCMCKSGSASRSWATVLLG FT TRFSI" FT regulatory complement(255..306) FT /note="self-cleavage consensus sequence" FT /regulatory_class="other" FT misc_structure 450..457 FT /note="hammerhead structure" XX SQ Sequence 457 BP; 94 A; 118 C; 130 G; 115 T; 0 other; gccagacgtg gacccggcct gatgagtccg aaaggacgaa acagtactgc gctaagaggt 60 gagactactt caatcctctt atgaccttcc ctgctgatgt tacctgggat ttatcctgtg 120 gtaagggtat aggacggtcc taccatacgt gctccacgag tgtattcctc gtgatgagcg 180 gtgggggggt cccgttatgg ggtccagccg gcgacgcatt tctatgcaga ccggtgcaaa 240 ccacacgcgt atggtgccag ataatatacc acacatggtg tgtttccctg gcgcgcttcg 300 ctgttgtatg tgtaagtcgg gctcagcctc ccgcagctgg gcgacggttc tacttggtac 360 ccgattttca atttgagagt tgggctacca acggaacttt cgtccgtgcg gtagggtggg 420 cttgccctga aaacaaccac ctatcaagat tactgtc 457 //