ID AJ885162; SV 1; linear; mRNA; STD; VRL; 720 BP. XX AC AJ885162; XX DT 23-JUN-2005 (Rel. 84, Created) DT 23-JUN-2005 (Rel. 84, Last updated, Version 1) XX DE Rice yellow mottle virus mRNA for coat protein (ORF4 gene), isolate Tz21 XX KW coat protein; cp gene; ORF4. XX OS Rice yellow mottle virus OC Viruses; Riboviria; Solemoviridae; Sobemovirus. XX RN [1] RP 1-720 RA Fargette D.; RT ; RL Submitted (17-FEB-2005) to the INSDC. RL Fargette D., Dgpc, Ird, BP64501, 34394 Montpellier cedex 5, FRANCE. XX RN [2] RX DOI; 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2005.02578.x. RX PUBMED; 15910330. RA Traore O., Sorho F., Pinel A., Abubakar Z.; RT "Processes of diversification and dispersion of rice yellow mottle virus RT inferred from large-scale and high-resolution phylogeographical studies"; RL Mol. Ecol. 14(7):2097-2110(0). XX RN [3] RX DOI; 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2005.02578.x. RX PUBMED; 15910330. RA Traore O., Sorho F., Pinel A., Abubakar Z., Banwo O., Maley J., Hebrard E., RA Winter S., Sere Y., Konate G., Fargette D.; RT "Processes of diversification and dispersion of rice yellow mottle virus RT inferred from large-scale and high-resolution phylogeographical studies"; RL Mol. Ecol. 14(7):2097-2110(2005). XX DR MD5; e3780894dfc7a82e4ee88de6b741418e. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..720 FT /organism="Rice yellow mottle virus" FT /isolate="Tz21" FT /mol_type="mRNA" FT /country="Tanzania" FT /db_xref="taxon:31744" FT CDS 1..720 FT /product="coat protein" FT /note="ORF4" FT /db_xref="GOA:Q806Y2" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR000937" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR029053" FT /db_xref="UniProtKB/TrEMBL:Q806Y2" FT /experiment="experimental evidence, no additional details FT recorded" FT /protein_id="CAI59709.1" FT /translation="MARKGKKINSNQNQQGKKGRRPRGRSAEPRLQRAPVAQASRISGM FT VPGPLSSNVWPVQRSVEFLMDFKRSATSADATIFNCVPFNLPRVWSLARCYSLWKPTRW FT DVVYLPEVSAATAGSIEMCYLYDYADTIPSDTGKMSRTAGFVTSSVWYGAEGCHLLTGG FT SARNAVVASMDCSRVDWKRVTSSIPSGVDPNVVNTILPARLAVRSSIKPAVDDAPGKLY FT AIVSMVLRDPVDPTLNT" XX SQ Sequence 720 BP; 153 A; 192 C; 211 G; 164 T; 0 other; atggccagga agggcaagaa aatcaactcc aaccaaaacc agcaaggcaa gaagggccgg 60 cgtccccgtg ggcgttcggc ggagccccgg cttcaacggg ctccagtggc tcaggcctcc 120 cggatatctg ggatggttcc tggtccacta tcttctaatg tctggccggt tcaacgctcc 180 gtggaattcc tgatggattt taagcggagc gccacctcgg cagatgcgac catattcaac 240 tgtgtgccgt tcaatctgcc ccgagtgtgg agtcttgcac gttgttactc cttgtggaag 300 ccaacaaggt gggatgttgt ctacctccct gaggttagtg cagcgacggc tggaagtatt 360 gagatgtgct atctctacga ctatgccgat acaatcccaa gtgacacggg taagatgagc 420 aggacggcgg gcttcgtcac ctctagcgtc tggtacggcg cggagggctg ccatttgtta 480 actggtggct cagcacggaa tgccgtggtc gcctcgatgg attgttcccg agtcgactgg 540 aaacgcgtta ctagttcaat tcctagtggc gtggatccca acgtcgtaaa caccatactg 600 ccagctaggc tagctgtgcg gtcgtcgatt aaaccggcgg ttgatgatgc accaggcaag 660 ctgtatgcca tcgtcagtat ggtcctgcgg gatccggttg acccaacact caatacgtga 720 //