ID AB429182; SV 1; linear; genomic RNA; STD; VRL; 371 BP. XX AC AB429182; XX DT 18-SEP-2008 (Rel. 97, Created) DT 14-DEC-2008 (Rel. 98, Last updated, Version 3) XX DE Apple fruit crinkle viroid RNA, Apscaviroid central conserved region, DE strain: hop isolate, clone: YH-M3-1. XX KW . XX OS Apple fruit crinkle viroid OC Viruses; Riboviria; unclassified viroids. XX RN [1] RP 1-371 RA Ito-Kawaguchi Y.; RT ; RL Submitted (21-MAR-2008) to the INSDC. RL Contact:Yoko Ito-Kawaguchi Hirosaki University, Fac. Agric & Life Science; RL Bunkyo-cho 3, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8561, Japan XX RN [2] RX DOI; 10.1007/s11262-008-0270-9. RX PUBMED; 18770018. RA Sano T., Isono S., Matsuki K., Kawaguchi-Ito Y., Tanaka K., Kondo K., RA Iijima A., Bar-Joseph M.; RT "Vegetative propagation and its possible role as a genetic bottleneck in RT the shaping of the apple fruit crinkle viroid populations in apple and hop RT plants"; RL Virus Genes 37(3):298-303(2008). XX DR MD5; 68afbad7788fa33bb72ef18bb03acbff. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..371 FT /organism="Apple fruit crinkle viroid" FT /host="Humulus lupulus" FT /strain="hop isolate" FT /mol_type="genomic RNA" FT /country="Japan" FT /isolation_source="leaves & cones" FT /clone="YH-M3-1" FT /note="Viroids; Pospiviroidae; Apscaviroid" FT /db_xref="taxon:190808" FT misc_feature 96..111 FT /note="Apscaviroid central conserved region" XX SQ Sequence 371 BP; 76 A; 105 C; 108 G; 82 T; 0 other; tgggctccaa ctagtggttc ctgtggtttc acaccgaagg ccgcgaagct tggaaagaaa 60 agatagaaaa gctgggtaag actcacctgg tgactcgtcg tcgacgaagg gtcctcagca 120 gagcaccggc aggcgcggcg aagcggagaa cgctagccgt cctccagtgg agaactggaa 180 aagctccggc ttttcctttt ttctgtaact ggaacgcgct tttgcgctcg ctagccagac 240 ccgcagggaa gctagctggg tcccgctagt cgagcggact cgtcccagcg gtcccaacca 300 gttttcttaa tcctattttt ccctgcgagc gcccggtcgt ggatacctag gatacccttg 360 tttgggtgcc c 371 //