
Mapping results

When the ‘to’ target is UniProtKB

If you are mapping external IDs to UniProtKB or retrieving a batch of UniProtKB IDs, you will see the results in the UniProt table view (Figure 46). Unless you specifically restrict the search to UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot when making your initial mapping choices, the search will include unreviewed UniProtKB/TrEMBL results, some of which may be redundant to the UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot identifications. You can restrict your results list to only UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot by using the filters in the left-hand panel, should you wish to.

Figure 46 The results page when mapping external IDs to UniProtKB. Some further filtering options are available in the left-hand panel.

When the ‘to’ target is an external database

If you are mapping UniProtKB IDs to an external database, you will get a list of mapped IDs (Figure 47) which are hyperlinked to corresponding database entries and can be downloaded in a variety of formats.

Figure 47 The results page when mapping UniProtKB IDs to an external database.