Example files in 1k4c_OneSequence

File listed in OneSequenceLogo example directory:

1) INPUT_1k4c_aa_list.txt: required input file listing pore-lining residues of the channel to analyse.

2) OUTPUT_1k4c_C_PL.fa: FASTA output file of the sequence used to generate the porelogo.
3) OUTPUT_1k4c_C_PL.jpg: high resolution (600dpi) inage of the porelogo.

4) OUTPUT_1k4c_C_PL.out: output file listing pore-lining residues ordered according to their position along the pore-axis.

5) OUTPUT_1k4c_C_PL.pml: ready-to-run Pymol script. To use the script:
	a) launch Pymol
	b) load the 3D-structure of the channel protein (pymol> load channel.pdb)
	c) run the script (pymol> @script.pml)
