2act Citations

Crystallographic Refinement of the Structure of Actinidin at 1.7 Angstroms Resolution by Fast Fourier Least-Squares Methods

Acta Crystallogr., A, Found. Crystallogr. 36 559- (1980)
Cited: 23 times

Reviews - 2act mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. Molecular docking: a powerful approach for structure-based drug discovery. Meng XY, Zhang HX, Mezei M, Cui M. Curr Comput Aided Drug Des 7 146-157 (2011)
  2. Structure of allergens and structure based epitope predictions. Dall'antonia F, Pavkov-Keller T, Zangger K, Keller W. Methods 66 3-21 (2014)
  3. Structural analysis of linear and conformational epitopes of allergens. Ivanciuc O, Schein CH, Garcia T, Oezguen N, Negi SS, Braun W. Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 54 S11-9 (2009)

Articles - 2act mentioned but not cited (20)

  1. CODA: a combined algorithm for predicting the structurally variable regions of protein models. Deane CM, Blundell TL. Protein Sci 10 599-612 (2001)
  2. The crystal structure of Pseudomonas avirulence protein AvrPphB: a papain-like fold with a distinct substrate-binding site. Zhu M, Shao F, Innes RW, Dixon JE, Xu Z. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101 302-307 (2004)
  3. A human RNA viral cysteine proteinase that depends upon a unique Zn2+-binding finger connecting the two domains of a papain-like fold . Herold J, Siddell SG, Gorbalenya AE. J Biol Chem 274 14918-14925 (1999)
  4. Characterization of a possible amyloidogenic precursor in glutamine-repeat neurodegenerative diseases. Armen RS, Bernard BM, Day R, Alonso DO, Daggett V. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 102 13433-13438 (2005)
  5. Transient dimers of allergens. Rouvinen J, Jänis J, Laukkanen ML, Jylhä S, Niemi M, Päivinen T, Mäkinen-Kiljunen S, Haahtela T, Söderlund H, Takkinen K. PLoS One 5 e9037 (2010)
  6. A procedure for the prediction of temperature-sensitive mutants of a globular protein based solely on the amino acid sequence. Varadarajan R, Nagarajaram HA, Ramakrishnan C. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 93 13908-13913 (1996)
  7. RPBS: a web resource for structural bioinformatics. Alland C, Moreews F, Boens D, Carpentier M, Chiusa S, Lonquety M, Renault N, Wong Y, Cantalloube H, Chomilier J, Hochez J, Pothier J, Villoutreix BO, Zagury JF, Tufféry P. Nucleic Acids Res 33 W44-9 (2005)
  8. Prediction of protein loop structures using a local move Monte Carlo approach and a grid-based force field. Cui M, Mezei M, Osman R. Protein Eng Des Sel 21 729-735 (2008)
  9. Hydrophobic moments of protein structures: spatially profiling the distribution. Silverman BD. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98 4996-5001 (2001)
  10. Contribution of active site glutamine to rate enhancement in ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolases. Boudreaux DA, Chaney J, Maiti TK, Das C. FEBS J 279 1106-1118 (2012)
  11. Interfaces between allergen structure and diagnosis: know your epitopes. Pomés A, Chruszcz M, Gustchina A, Wlodawer A. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 15 506 (2015)
  12. Mutagenesis and crystallographic studies of the catalytic residues of the papain family protease bleomycin hydrolase: new insights into active-site structure. O'Farrell PA, Joshua-Tor L. Biochem. J. 401 421-428 (2007)
  13. Insight to structural subsite recognition in plant thiol protease-inhibitor complexes : understanding the basis of differential inhibition and the role of water. Bhattacharya S, Ghosh S, Chakraborty S, Bera AK, Mukhopadhayay BP, Dey I, Banerjee A. BMC Struct. Biol. 1 4 (2001)
  14. Convergent evolution in Arabidopsis halleri and Arabidopsis arenosa on calamine metalliferous soils. Preite V, Sailer C, Syllwasschy L, Bray S, Ahmadi H, Krämer U, Yant L. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. 374 20180243 (2019)
  15. Structural preferences of cysteine sulfinic acid: The sulfinate engages in multiple local interactions with the peptide backbone. Urmey AR, Zondlo NJ. Free Radic Biol Med 148 96-107 (2020)
  16. A Novel Lipopolysaccharide Recognition Mechanism Mediated by Internalization in Teleost Macrophages. Lu XJ, Ning YJ, Liu H, Nie L, Chen J. Front Immunol 9 2758 (2018)
  17. Quantitative Assessment of Chirality of Protein Secondary Structures and Phenylalanine Peptide Nanotubes. Sidorova A, Bystrov V, Lutsenko A, Shpigun D, Belova E, Likhachev I. Nanomaterials (Basel) 11 3299 (2021)
  18. Analysing an allelic series of rare missense variants of CACNA1I in a Swedish schizophrenia cohort. Baez-Nieto D, Allen A, Akers-Campbell S, Yang L, Budnik N, Pupo A, Shin YC, Genovese G, Liao M, Pérez-Palma E, Heyne H, Lal D, Lipscombe D, Pan JQ. Brain 145 1839-1853 (2022)
  19. Intermolecular binding preferences of haloethynyl halogen-bond donors as a function of molecular electrostatic potentials in a family of N-(pyridin-2-yl)amides. Abeysekera AM, Averkiev BB, Le Magueres P, Aakeröy CB. Org Biomol Chem 19 6671-6681 (2021)
  20. Predictive QSAR model confirms flavonoids in Chinese medicine can activate voltage-gated calcium (CaV) channel in osteogenesis. Chan K, Leung HCM, Tsoi JK. Chin Med 15 31 (2020)

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