1znj Citations

Structure Determination and Refinement of Two Crystal Forms of Native Insulins

Related citations provided by authors (3)

  1. The Structure of a Rhombohedral R6 Insulin Hexamer that Binds Phenol. Smith GD, Dodson GG Biopolymers 32 441- (1992)
  2. Phenol Stabilizes More Helix in a New Symmetrical Zinc Insulin Hexamer. Derewenda U, Derewenda Z, Dodson EJ, Dodson GG, Reynolds CD, Smith GD, Sparks C, Swenson D Nature 338 594- (1989)
  3. Molecular Replacement: The Method and its Problems (in: Molecular Replacement. Proceedings of the Daresbury Study Weekend, 15-16 February, 1985. Compiled by P.A.Machin). Dodson EJ Daresbury Lab. [REP.]DL/SCI/R 23 33- (1985)