Source Name Comment [Sample_description] Comment [Sample_source_name] Comment [Sample_title] Characteristics [age] Characteristics [genotype] Characteristics [organism] Term Source REF Term Accession Number Characteristics [organism part] Characteristics [strain background] Protocol REF Term Source REF Protocol REF Term Source REF Protocol REF Term Source REF Extract Name Material Type Protocol REF Term Source REF Labeled Extract Name Label Protocol REF Term Source REF Assay Name Array Design REF Term Source REF Technology Type Protocol REF Term Source REF Array Data File Comment [ArrayExpress FTP file] Protocol REF Term Source REF Normalization Name Derived Array Data File Comment [Derived ArrayExpress FTP file] FactorValue [AGE] FactorValue [GENOTYPE] GSM1238697 1 The mouse background is mixed (mainly C57BL/6), since there are 4 different mutant mice crossed together. Ovarian surface epithelia cells from P53;Pten;Kras;A-cre mice treated with E2 pellet at 5 weeks and harvested at 8 weeks E2P53_OSE 8 weeks Trp53 fl/fl;Ptentm1Hwu/ Ptentm1Hwu;Krastm4Tyj/ Krastm4Tyj ; Amhr2-cre (P53;Pten;Kras;A-cre) Mus musculus EFO ovarian surface epithelia (OSE) cells mixed (mainly C57BL/6) P-GSE51095-2 ArrayExpress P-GSE51095-3 ArrayExpress P-GSE51095-4 ArrayExpress GSM1238697 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE51095-5 ArrayExpress GSM1238697 LE 1 biotin P-GSE51095-6 ArrayExpress GSM1238697 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress array assay P-GSE51095-7 ArrayExpress GSM1238697_E2P53_OSE.CEL P-GSE51095-1 ArrayExpress GSM1238697_sample_table.txt norm GSM1238697_sample_table.txt 8 weeks Trp53 fl/fl;Ptentm1Hwu/ Ptentm1Hwu;Krastm4Tyj/ Krastm4Tyj ; Amhr2-cre (P53;Pten;Kras;A-cre) GSM1238696 1 The mouse background is mixed (mainly C57BL/6), since there are 4 different mutant mice crossed together. Ovarian surface epithelia cells from wild type mice wild_type_OSE2 10 weeks wild type Mus musculus EFO ovarian surface epithelia (OSE) cells mixed (mainly C57BL/6) P-GSE51095-2 ArrayExpress P-GSE51095-3 ArrayExpress P-GSE51095-4 ArrayExpress GSM1238696 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE51095-5 ArrayExpress GSM1238696 LE 1 biotin P-GSE51095-6 ArrayExpress GSM1238696 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress array assay P-GSE51095-7 ArrayExpress GSM1238696_WT_OSE2.CEL P-GSE51095-1 ArrayExpress GSM1238696_sample_table.txt norm GSM1238696_sample_table.txt 10 weeks wild type