Comment[ArrayExpressAccession] E-GEOD-42217 MAGE-TAB Version 1.1 Public Release Date 2012-11-14 Investigation Title yeast wt pool - plate reader Comment[Submitted Name] yeast wt pool - plate reader Experiment Description Contains a collection of wildtype Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for estimating the biological variation. Wildtypes are obtained from the yeast wildtypes – platereader, wt pool background set HybSet, by randomly taking 100 wt vs. refpool (pooled wts) and 100 refpool vs. wt hybridizations Two channel microarrays were used. RNA isolated from a large amount of wt yeast from a single culture was used as a common reference. Two independent cultures were hybridized on two separate microarrays. Term Source Name ArrayExpress EFO Term Source File Person Last Name Kemmeren van Leenen Groot Koerkamp van Hooff Lijnzaad Kemmeren Holstege Person First Name Patrick Dik Marian Sander Philip Patrick Frank Person Email Person Affiliation UMC Utrecht Person Address Department of Molecular Cancer Research, UMC Utrecht, Universiteitsweg 100, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands Person Roles submitter Protocol Name P-GSE42217-2 P-GSE42217-1 P-GSE42217-4 P-GSE42217-3 P-GSE42217-9 P-GSE42217-8 P-GSE42217-5 P-GSE42217-7 P-GSE42217-6 P-GSE42217-10 P-GSE42217-13 P-GSE42217-11 P-GSE42217-12 Protocol Description ID_REF = VALUE = -INV_VALUE: normalized log2 ratio Cy3/Cy5 test/ref) Signal Norm_Cy5 = Signal Norm_Cy3 = ID_REF = VALUE = normalized log2 ratio Cy3/Cy5 test/ref Signal Norm_Cy5 = Signal Norm_Cy3 = ID_REF = VALUE = normalized log2 ratio (Cy5/Cy3) Signal Norm_Cy5 = Signal Norm_Cy3 = ID_REF = VALUE = normalized log2 ratio (Cy3/Cy5) Signal Norm_Cy5 = Signal Norm_Cy3 = INV_VALUE = normalized log2 ratio (Cy5/Cy3) scanning of slides using Agilent G256BA Imagene feature extraction Tecan HS4800 hybridization yeast RNA isolation for robotic amplification v1.0 yeast HTP RNA isolation for robot v2.0 robot amplification and labeling v1.0 Normalization was done using print-tip LOESS as described in (Yang et al. 2002), by estimating the LOESS curve for all gene probes using no background substraction and a span of 0.4. Probes flagged as absent, or with a (nearly) saturated signal (i.e., > 2^15) in either channel were not considered for the estimation of the LOESS curve. Signals were corrected for dye bias using intrinsic gene-specific dye biases estimated from a set of wild-type wild-type hybridizations, as described in Margaritis, Lijnzaad et al., Mol. Sys. Biol. 2009. The limma R package version 2.12.0 is used for final gene expression analysis. P-values are Benjamini-Hochberg FDR corrected. Normalization was done using print-tip LOESS as described in (Yang et al. 2002), by estimating the LOESS curve for all gene probes using no background substraction and a span of 0.4. Probes flagged as absent, or with a (nearly) saturated signal (i.e., > 2^15) in either channel were not considered for the estimation of the LOESS curve. Signals were corrected for dye bias using intrinsic gene-specific dye biases estimated from a set of wild-type wild-type hybridizations, as described in Margaritis, Lijnzaad et al., Mol. Sys. Biol. 2009. yeast-deleteome[grow] Yeast growth for expression profiling in Tecan platereader v1.0 Protocol Type bioassay_data_transformation bioassay_data_transformation bioassay_data_transformation bioassay_data_transformation image_aquisition hybridization nucleic_acid_extraction nucleic_acid_extraction labeling feature_extraction feature_extraction grow grow Experimental Factor Name GENETIC MODIFICATION GENOTYPE Experimental Factor Type genetic modification genotype Comment[SecondaryAccession] GSE42217 Comment[GEOReleaseDate] 2012-11-14 Comment[ArrayExpressSubmissionDate] 2012-11-09 Comment[GEOLastUpdateDate] 2012-11-15 Comment[AEExperimentType] transcription profiling by array SDRF File E-GEOD-42217.sdrf.txt